Month of LOVE

"Yes.. there's love if you want it.. dont sound like no sonnet.. my lord"
ada apa dengan CINTA?? haha.. u figure it out by ur own!! bcoz diff ppl got diff point of view bout LOVE... sum ppl says LOVE is bla bla bla... and certain ppl says the other way round... but no matter wht ppl says bout LOVE, there is one common... LOVE is a must in life!! yes, its true and its a fact tht we cant live without LOVE.. LOVE will be always be apart of us, no matter how we try to deny it coz we cant!! tipu la kalo kate "i dun need LOVE in my life.. LOVE is sucks!!" wht a crap... the biggest lie ever in life!! who ever says tht is totally a hypocrite..siyesli! again.. LOVE is abstract.. tak semestinya CHENTA sesama manusia.. it cud be.. ermm.. CHENTA kan music.. CHENTA kereta like most of the guys do, sayang keta dr bini kan? CHENTA diri sendiri.. it cud be anythin and thts depends on us how we perform/express LOVE..
for me.. myself.. LOVE is always be an issue every single day.. like i said just now.. x semesti nye its bout guys! but honestly... LOVE is always gonna be part of me.. thts y if u guys get through all my previous post.. u'll guys will found out so many emow lyrics.. haha.. err.. i guess i'll stop here... bebel x tentu pasal per kejadah ntah.. besides im not so gud in writing like certain ppl do.. ;p
pssstt.. guys, dun forget to contribute kat persetankan.. topic menarek gak... CHENTA.. yezzaaa..!!
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