POTC: At World's End

Location: TGV, KLCC
Time : 8:00 pm
Date: 23rd MAY 2007 (Wednesday)
hey hey.. i've watched POTC: AT WOLRD'S END! btw it's not like wht i've expected it to be... but OK-la.. menraek but ramai yg ckp 2nd one lg best.. FYI, i didnt watched the 2nd one.. missed it! so nk compare pn tataw la.. but still luv JACK's madness.. uhhhhh wuff wufff!! seperti biase la kan.. JACK SPARROW mmg klaka, eventho ade part2 yg dier serious pn, sure end up ngn lawak mengong dier jugak. JACK yg gila tp pandai... tak hehabis ngan kompas dier, adeh! btw.. malas nk bwat ulasan psal POTC coz x reti nk garap camne.. huhu! and lagi satu.. kang org len nak tinguk dah x best plak... dah x suspender lagik! buwahahahahah.... ;p
so kesimpulannye... there will be POTC4 for sure, cite psal 10 years after plak.. the new CALYPSO & CAPTEN DUTCHMAN plak next time.. huhuhhu!! And JACK... in his attempt to get his BLACK PEARL back.. again! haha.. kalo mcm neh sampai bila pn x hehabis..
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