BULAT: No More
taraaaa.. here it is, my new speck! the colour is not so clear here but it's actually purple in colour with inner stripes. So.. no more BULAT nye style like i used to.. ;p bwekk! aku beli speck neh kt focus point.. smlm br amek! at first igt nak tggu qiey cuti so leh kuar sesama ngn maz skali and bole la tugeder2 pilihkan tuk aku.. sbb maz dah sound dah b4 that, dier ckp.. "suerie, please weh.. jgn la beli yg bulat2 lg.. please la weh! beli pattern laen plak.." buwahaahahah..!! im used to it but this time no more rounded frame! tuka angin plak so beli la yg style cmni plak and then maz ckp.. "okeh... santeks2, nice... lulus cemerlang!" mengong jegh.. kire dah lulus ISO maz n qiey! aku mmg tak reti sket memilih barang kalo tader opinion org neh.. tak confident ngn choice sendiri, huhu! so kalo nak beli present tuk sesape.. mmg pening sket la kepaler neh memikir.. adeh!
Talkin bout present, this eve i've just bought sumtin for Leen, a gud friend of mine for her Wed's pressie this saturday. Seyesli tataw nak beli per memuler but then teringat satu kdai neh kt alam sentral.. byk mende leh pilih as a gift, byk gak mende santek2 kt sane. Tapi mmg dah set dlm kepale nak belikn Leen lampu meja british style.. at first nak belikn ade satu lampu meja neh, very nice... santek+unik, price pn mmg within budget la.. RM98 tp rase nye dier lg suker style yg ala2 sweet gitu.. british style! biler check2 price tag.. RM128!! err.. alamak, budget RM100 and below jegh neh.. so aku pusing2 dlu tinguk2 mende len kot2 ade yg berkenan.. TADER jugak! yg TADIK jugak santek, shewwitt jegh.. and finally aku beli jugak, hehe! but terlupe nak snap lampu tu, dah wrapped dah pn.. adeh :
"lets get f.ucked up and die.."
Talkin bout present, this eve i've just bought sumtin for Leen, a gud friend of mine for her Wed's pressie this saturday. Seyesli tataw nak beli per memuler but then teringat satu kdai neh kt alam sentral.. byk mende leh pilih as a gift, byk gak mende santek2 kt sane. Tapi mmg dah set dlm kepale nak belikn Leen lampu meja british style.. at first nak belikn ade satu lampu meja neh, very nice... santek+unik, price pn mmg within budget la.. RM98 tp rase nye dier lg suker style yg ala2 sweet gitu.. british style! biler check2 price tag.. RM128!! err.. alamak, budget RM100 and below jegh neh.. so aku pusing2 dlu tinguk2 mende len kot2 ade yg berkenan.. TADER jugak! yg TADIK jugak santek, shewwitt jegh.. and finally aku beli jugak, hehe! but terlupe nak snap lampu tu, dah wrapped dah pn.. adeh :
"lets get f.ucked up and die.."

Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Chill Out
yang bulat tu macam spek harry potter ngan john lennon ke??
*gelak tergolek ngn statement anda*
tader la smpi bulat cmtu.. bujur2 sket.. ;p
tp rs nye mase time skola dlu pnah pkai speck bulat cam harry potter dlu.. haha! speck superman plak time darjah 5.. pastu tamo pkai dah, simpan lam meja kt skola.. wahahah!
pas ni bila dah bawak vios, bleh tambah 1 lagi spek... sunglass! D&G ke... Guess ker... muahahhaha... kelass gitu... ekekekekkeke!
vios? ko pon nk angkut vios ke...bukan neo ke ;p -kikilala
ayang: biler plak org ckp nk bli vios neh? memndai.. tu mas la yang..isk isk.. kalo ayang ngn abg krol add in duet monthly baya.. bole la jugak.. ehem! btw congrats to rose maria & co. ;p biler nak banje neh?
tataw gerangan sape:
kikilala? sape neh.. hep hep.. men rehsia rehsia lak..
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