Lets get Red/White @ Bora Asmara
Last night was a blast girls! It was a quite fun night, tak henti-henti aku gelak OK sampai saket-saket kepala aku neh taw ;p but really, it was totally awesome. The place itself is already a superb plus but then you girls were the one who have made it really happening. Heartiest thanks to Amal, Maz, Putu, Qiey, Nasrah, Anis, Makmuk and Ganu because finally we've made it happened.. what a great night totally! And to those who's not coming last night.. Kaj, Puc, Sabun, Ruhil, Nis, Faten and Chucky, dont worry ok.. nanti kita gather lagik skalik ramai-ramai and this time make sure that you girls reserved diri anda earlier ok and everybody must come without failed.. ;p
By the way, thank God that the suprise thingy nak celebrate bufday Qiey, Maz and Makmuk menjadik.. pheww! Tapi aku sangat disappointed ok dengan korang bertiga sebab korang sikit pun tak nanges, penat taw kami plan mende alah neh.. haha kidding ;p ! Actually tinguk muka korang yang blur-blur and in shocked tuh pun aku dah kire sangat happy, means that mmg SUPRISE!! Thanks to me, the mastermind of it and thanks to Putu as well for suggesting a great place to hangout and dine out. And thanks to the men behind the scene, Abang Miel and Nasrul as photographer yang tak bertauliah. Nampaknya anda berdua kne attend class photography, banyak tul gambar-gambar merapu and blur huhu.. but it's ok, thanks sebab tolong snap piccies kami sana sni sampaikan celah-celah daun pun snap jugak.. haha, lawak tul korang dua neh taw! Owh yeah, previously i've forgot to thank Maz and Ganu for suggested RED/WHITE theme for the night out and to Anis, RED/BLACK? LOL.. you're totally out of theme girl ;p
As usual, we're being the loudest crowd out there.. we're laughing out loud non stop. Even by the time the live band went up to our table, we're just can't stop talking, keep on snapping piccies here and there plus self photo whoring session. Seems like we're only kept our mouth shut when the guys said "ok 1 2 3.. *snap*".. aih how pathethic we were last night, weren't we, girls? Really can't help it seh, memang masing-masing tader nak control cun and sangat kecoh until one of the guy from the live band jokingly said to us.. "Ni nak dengar ke tak kami nyanyi neh? ". This is what happening everytime we all gathered tugeder geder, just imagine kalo la kita hangout reramai kat hotel.. sure kne kick out serta merta seh, gila tader protokol kita neh haha. But nevermind, you girls still awesome and I was totally having fun last night. Tak saba nak tinguk gamba-gamba dari korang sume :)
And talking about the place that we went to, the Balinese-themed restaurant - Bora Asmara is a very romantic and lovely spot to go and dine out. The restaurant itself is decorated very well and the ambience was great! The food also was beautifully presented and as for mine, Grilled Carribean Chicken was quite yummy tummy.. LOL! Suprisingly I managed to finish up my food, wow what a big eater I am now huh.. great! But unfortunately, tempat yg telah direserved untuk kami sangat tidak romantika as lampu sangat terang. Kalo duduk kat the other place, menarek sket.. aih taper next time. Nway, for those who have never heard about the place previously, maybe you should check it out someday. As for moi, I kinda loike the place.. more likely macam Bora Ombak jugak kot the environment. Plus the price also is at a quite affordable range. Here some of the piccies that I've took from other website actually as I didnt received yet any piccies from my girls.
p/s: seperti biase, more piccies will be uploaded soon.. click on the piccies to enlarge!
By the way, thank God that the suprise thingy nak celebrate bufday Qiey, Maz and Makmuk menjadik.. pheww! Tapi aku sangat disappointed ok dengan korang bertiga sebab korang sikit pun tak nanges, penat taw kami plan mende alah neh.. haha kidding ;p ! Actually tinguk muka korang yang blur-blur and in shocked tuh pun aku dah kire sangat happy, means that mmg SUPRISE!! Thanks to me, the mastermind of it and thanks to Putu as well for suggesting a great place to hangout and dine out. And thanks to the men behind the scene, Abang Miel and Nasrul as photographer yang tak bertauliah. Nampaknya anda berdua kne attend class photography, banyak tul gambar-gambar merapu and blur huhu.. but it's ok, thanks sebab tolong snap piccies kami sana sni sampaikan celah-celah daun pun snap jugak.. haha, lawak tul korang dua neh taw! Owh yeah, previously i've forgot to thank Maz and Ganu for suggested RED/WHITE theme for the night out and to Anis, RED/BLACK? LOL.. you're totally out of theme girl ;p
As usual, we're being the loudest crowd out there.. we're laughing out loud non stop. Even by the time the live band went up to our table, we're just can't stop talking, keep on snapping piccies here and there plus self photo whoring session. Seems like we're only kept our mouth shut when the guys said "ok 1 2 3.. *snap*".. aih how pathethic we were last night, weren't we, girls? Really can't help it seh, memang masing-masing tader nak control cun and sangat kecoh until one of the guy from the live band jokingly said to us.. "Ni nak dengar ke tak kami nyanyi neh? ". This is what happening everytime we all gathered tugeder geder, just imagine kalo la kita hangout reramai kat hotel.. sure kne kick out serta merta seh, gila tader protokol kita neh haha. But nevermind, you girls still awesome and I was totally having fun last night. Tak saba nak tinguk gamba-gamba dari korang sume :)
And talking about the place that we went to, the Balinese-themed restaurant - Bora Asmara is a very romantic and lovely spot to go and dine out. The restaurant itself is decorated very well and the ambience was great! The food also was beautifully presented and as for mine, Grilled Carribean Chicken was quite yummy tummy.. LOL! Suprisingly I managed to finish up my food, wow what a big eater I am now huh.. great! But unfortunately, tempat yg telah direserved untuk kami sangat tidak romantika as lampu sangat terang. Kalo duduk kat the other place, menarek sket.. aih taper next time. Nway, for those who have never heard about the place previously, maybe you should check it out someday. As for moi, I kinda loike the place.. more likely macam Bora Ombak jugak kot the environment. Plus the price also is at a quite affordable range. Here some of the piccies that I've took from other website actually as I didnt received yet any piccies from my girls.
p/s: seperti biase, more piccies will be uploaded soon.. click on the piccies to enlarge!


whether im too tall for her or she is too short for me.. haha

THE FOOD.. will be uploaded more soon
TOP HAT for RM11.90


THE FOOD.. will be uploaded more soon

Labels: Chill Out, Suerie's Album
hahah...tula tempat x romantik langsung nk berasmara pun x jadi ahaks....sbb tu jek yg ade mase wat reservation tuh...aku rase kalo tempat dia kasi malap skit aku rase suare kite makin kuat...sbb aku control tu sbnarnye mlm td sbb terang sangat...(kalo mlm td kontrol pun dh bising..kalo x kontrol cemanela kan???hahahha)len kali kiter wat g skali d lokasi yg lain plak....
bora is nice when u have a grp of frens. for dating couples, a bit too warm under the m'sian weather. best is reserve a table in the aircond room.
kat mana kat mana? nak pergi jugak!
to johnny:
yeah true but i think for night out, its quite ok and not tht warm.. kinda freezin out thr. but hey, u're so true, its malaysia.. the wheather is unpredictable aite :)
to kiah:
babe, kat Kg Sg Penchala.. dekat ngan penchala link, further up dr One Utama
to putu:
photographer ko sabb aku seh kat facebook.. haha! nway putu, kantoi plak aku bending time gan snap pix kita tu.. opss! ;p
ko patut tmbah lagi skin konye komen 4 that pic...
"whether im to thin for her or she is TOO FAT for me...ahaks...bcoz her thigh is quite chubby..."
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to kiah:
okeh miss.. i'll forward u the map k
nak map juge beh! harge makanan cam ok je tgk. i rase mahal lagi kat kunang2. tp fried calamari kunang2 mmg TERBAIK la. huhu
ahh..rase cam nak meleleh airlior plak tringat makanan2 ni, keke ;P~~~~
saya puji gmbr2 anda.nmpk cantik sgt.gaya fotografi yg sgt berkualiti tinggi.hasil seni yg uh....PRICELESS!
to beh:
ok.. nnt ai bg yer ;*
to nasrul:
alala.. sape la yg amek gamba2 tu yer? memuji diri sendiri nmpk nas? hehe.. ;p
ive been there before.. syok abis
eh amalina. uw uw senior aku mase skola
eh really meh? wah rupenye ko skola agama dlu yer kareem.. rusak rusak, haha ;p
nway dia tu x-roomate aku, skang dier keje ngn petronas.. masyukkk
yo nemmy!!
bora asmara?where is it eh?bora ombak tau la..hehehe :P
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