Sekian, Laporan Khas Puasa & Raya! ;p
Taking a break to post some new entries.. its pay back time bebeh! Banyak gle cerita tak update and i know tht no one cares even if i've updated my blog.. LOL! Like i care la kan, Ok Ok am running out of time, write Suerie write.. start up ur brain's engine and start thinking!!
1st week of Puasa.. tatau kenapa, macam agak excited nak puasa coz bila puasa means that tak lama lagi nak raya, LOL! But the funniest thing was the week before Puasa, Andy called me up and asking whether am I available next Friday (1st week of Puasa) so that we could buka puasa together with my dear princess Rusila. Then I answered, "OK, but u need to fast as well la to bebuka with us.. haha!". Kelakar plak, Andy yg non-muslim pulak yang excited planned for the meet up.. muahaha! So the next week, we met up at Mid Valley and kitorang bebuka kat San Francisco Steakhouse, buffet dia so-so jegh la but if im not mistaken the total charges is RM160++ for 3 persons. Err I dont mind at all coz it was Andy's treat, as usual.. haha! Noooooooooo im kidding Andy, I really mind actually coz u always pay for us.. haih now I need to calculate how much I owe u all this while, err masuk buku OK? Claim another err about... 10 yrs from now? Hopefully my pocket is tebal already by that time OR atleast hoping for getting a pocket tebal hubby? LOL.. nway thanks Andy and Kak Rusila, thanks for the great nite out!! Rindu mau gusipping with both of ya ;'(
2nd week of Puasa.. hurm dah tak ingat buat apa this week, yg aku ingat on Friday me and my x-schoolmates berbuka tugeder-geder kat somewhere near Sg Ramal if im not mistaken, I cant even remember what's the restaurant name, huhu! Yang sempat datang malam tu Akmar, Omei, Haza, Huda & hubby, Syida & hubby, Azri and Moon. The rest tatau ape kes, ade yang keje based kat Sabah and some were busy with something else or clashed with their schedule and etc. Time-time tu la Akmar passing kad kawen dia and lepas tu masing-masing sebok membelek album kawen Haza & Huda. Oh ya, congrats Huda sebab u gonna be a mum soon :)
3rd week of Puasa.. I had a training for the whole week kat MIMOS during the 3rd week of Puasa. Then again, Friday is the most strategic day untuk semua orang plan for berbuka. Balek-balek Jumaat, balek-balek berbuka on Jumaat.. haih! (kecoh!! padahal hari len memang tak available, LOL!) On Friday berbuka dengan the gals of 5th RC, geng-geng mase kat UM. Tapi seperti biase, bila dah keje neh susah nak gather semua skalik, sure korum x cukop *sigh* but still, meriah dan kecoh seperti biasa. Camwhoring session pun berjalan dengan lancar seperti biasa tanpa henti, muahahaha! Thanks to Chucky, Anis, Ruhil, Makmuk & tunang, Bobol & hubby, Putu & Nasrul and Amal for coming! During this Saturday, I went to Jalan TAR & Masjid India with my eldest sister and Mas for jalan-jalan carik tudungss and baju melayu anak-anak sedara aku. Gila sesak umah manusia kat sana, if I had a choice I wont go there coz I hate crowded places like that with the smells some more.. err actually the smells of fooooooooooooood!! Gila tengahari buta ade jual cempedak goreng la, pisang goreng la.. buat aku lapa jegh!! But then lalu kat satu store neh, perghh bau chocolate cake dia taleh tahan and I end up bought one, *grin*! On Sunday pulak, Wani invited me berbuka kat rumah dia kat Subang. Oh kamu sangat rugi cik Alieya for not joining us, muaahahha! Wani came out with idea supaya kami potluck, so masing-masing beli makanan dari luar tapi still ade home-made nasi lemak provided by Wani but cooked by the maid, LOL! Malam tu sudah jadik 'Chix' party sebab menu-menu kebanyakannya terdiri daripada pelbagai menu of CHICKEN, haa hamek ko.. end up jadi Chix Party!! Si Shuko plak tak henti-henti petik gitar, ngeng! Lepas bebuka and semayang, kitorang sume lepak kat hall and then sorang-sorang gi petik gitar, Wani then Shuko then Ikmal then..? Ikmal suh aku petik.. buwahhaha kejadah, aku tau petik Em C G D jegh, tu pn strum tak pass-pass lagik!! Maybe guitar wasnt meant for the girl named Suerie, so I guess the only thing that I could do is.. keep on requesting others to play for me.. bahahahha!! Tapi yang klakanye, sorang demi sorang dak-dak laki teruja nak duduk kat kerusi Ogawa si Wani, masing-masing memang kanak-kanak ribena btul la, haish! And oh ya, the guest list yg attended that day - Wani, Min, Suessy, Shuko, Ikmal, Oat, Omar and housemates Shuko with the gfsss.. I remember Nina jegh, the other girl tak sempat beramah mesra, LOL!
4rd week of Puasa.. 1st time semua orang berbuka sama-sama. Mas and Fathihah balek from Johor, Nurul balek from Perlis. Tapi sorang kakak missing in action which is Intan sebab dia outstation gi Dubai for a few months already, February taun depan baru balek sni, sian ;p huhu! Eh February?? Hadiah pelissss.. LOL! On Sunday morning, the whole family except Ayang & fam, pegi ziarah pusara arwah Bak, my late grandfather on my mum's side, kat somewhere in PJ. Then right after that, semua lepak Kerinchi berbuka kat umah Mak Aid, nenek side my mum. FYI, sepanjang-panjang minggu malas gila aku nak datang kerja. Gila tak saba nak raya, huhu! Datang kerja pun see through jegh tinguk screen PC ni.. hohohoho! On malam Raya plak, mak ajak kitorang gi Jalan TAR lagi skali, this time mak plak yang nak shopping! Shopping bunga-bungaan, very the flowery umah kami raya ni yer. Again, kenapa la aku sanggup nak join gak malam tu. Sesak gegila seh tapi seb baek la malam tu banyak pulak mamat-mamat lengchai turun Jalan TAR gak malam tu, sesi mengurangkan pahala mata berlaku.. heee! Yang pasti aku usha warganegara MALAYSIA jegh OK! And hey, finally... HARI INI HARI RAYA!! yeay!!!!! (adeh sorry, memang tatau kenapa this year excited terlebih, baju raya pun sampai 6 pasang.. ape kes -_-" )
And when Raya has finally arrived.. oh agak meriah and duet pun agak 'meriah' keluar dengan lajunya as im working now, so taun ni aku jadi tangan yang menghulur rather than menjadi tangan yang menerima, that part is no fun! Haih.. AKAN TETAPI the sisters still bagi gak la duet raya kat I ni kan hehe, wajib tu wajib as long as im still not married yet! Thanks loads sisters heeee..
p/s: to all the Muslims who have been fasting for a month, kudos to you guys and xspecially YOU ;p clap clap!!
1st week of Puasa.. tatau kenapa, macam agak excited nak puasa coz bila puasa means that tak lama lagi nak raya, LOL! But the funniest thing was the week before Puasa, Andy called me up and asking whether am I available next Friday (1st week of Puasa) so that we could buka puasa together with my dear princess Rusila. Then I answered, "OK, but u need to fast as well la to bebuka with us.. haha!". Kelakar plak, Andy yg non-muslim pulak yang excited planned for the meet up.. muahaha! So the next week, we met up at Mid Valley and kitorang bebuka kat San Francisco Steakhouse, buffet dia so-so jegh la but if im not mistaken the total charges is RM160++ for 3 persons. Err I dont mind at all coz it was Andy's treat, as usual.. haha! Noooooooooo im kidding Andy, I really mind actually coz u always pay for us.. haih now I need to calculate how much I owe u all this while, err masuk buku OK? Claim another err about... 10 yrs from now? Hopefully my pocket is tebal already by that time OR atleast hoping for getting a pocket tebal hubby? LOL.. nway thanks Andy and Kak Rusila, thanks for the great nite out!! Rindu mau gusipping with both of ya ;'(
2nd week of Puasa.. hurm dah tak ingat buat apa this week, yg aku ingat on Friday me and my x-schoolmates berbuka tugeder-geder kat somewhere near Sg Ramal if im not mistaken, I cant even remember what's the restaurant name, huhu! Yang sempat datang malam tu Akmar, Omei, Haza, Huda & hubby, Syida & hubby, Azri and Moon. The rest tatau ape kes, ade yang keje based kat Sabah and some were busy with something else or clashed with their schedule and etc. Time-time tu la Akmar passing kad kawen dia and lepas tu masing-masing sebok membelek album kawen Haza & Huda. Oh ya, congrats Huda sebab u gonna be a mum soon :)
3rd week of Puasa.. I had a training for the whole week kat MIMOS during the 3rd week of Puasa. Then again, Friday is the most strategic day untuk semua orang plan for berbuka. Balek-balek Jumaat, balek-balek berbuka on Jumaat.. haih! (kecoh!! padahal hari len memang tak available, LOL!) On Friday berbuka dengan the gals of 5th RC, geng-geng mase kat UM. Tapi seperti biase, bila dah keje neh susah nak gather semua skalik, sure korum x cukop *sigh* but still, meriah dan kecoh seperti biasa. Camwhoring session pun berjalan dengan lancar seperti biasa tanpa henti, muahahaha! Thanks to Chucky, Anis, Ruhil, Makmuk & tunang, Bobol & hubby, Putu & Nasrul and Amal for coming! During this Saturday, I went to Jalan TAR & Masjid India with my eldest sister and Mas for jalan-jalan carik tudungss and baju melayu anak-anak sedara aku. Gila sesak umah manusia kat sana, if I had a choice I wont go there coz I hate crowded places like that with the smells some more.. err actually the smells of fooooooooooooood!! Gila tengahari buta ade jual cempedak goreng la, pisang goreng la.. buat aku lapa jegh!! But then lalu kat satu store neh, perghh bau chocolate cake dia taleh tahan and I end up bought one, *grin*! On Sunday pulak, Wani invited me berbuka kat rumah dia kat Subang. Oh kamu sangat rugi cik Alieya for not joining us, muaahahha! Wani came out with idea supaya kami potluck, so masing-masing beli makanan dari luar tapi still ade home-made nasi lemak provided by Wani but cooked by the maid, LOL! Malam tu sudah jadik 'Chix' party sebab menu-menu kebanyakannya terdiri daripada pelbagai menu of CHICKEN, haa hamek ko.. end up jadi Chix Party!! Si Shuko plak tak henti-henti petik gitar, ngeng! Lepas bebuka and semayang, kitorang sume lepak kat hall and then sorang-sorang gi petik gitar, Wani then Shuko then Ikmal then..? Ikmal suh aku petik.. buwahhaha kejadah, aku tau petik Em C G D jegh, tu pn strum tak pass-pass lagik!! Maybe guitar wasnt meant for the girl named Suerie, so I guess the only thing that I could do is.. keep on requesting others to play for me.. bahahahha!! Tapi yang klakanye, sorang demi sorang dak-dak laki teruja nak duduk kat kerusi Ogawa si Wani, masing-masing memang kanak-kanak ribena btul la, haish! And oh ya, the guest list yg attended that day - Wani, Min, Suessy, Shuko, Ikmal, Oat, Omar and housemates Shuko with the gfsss.. I remember Nina jegh, the other girl tak sempat beramah mesra, LOL!
4rd week of Puasa.. 1st time semua orang berbuka sama-sama. Mas and Fathihah balek from Johor, Nurul balek from Perlis. Tapi sorang kakak missing in action which is Intan sebab dia outstation gi Dubai for a few months already, February taun depan baru balek sni, sian ;p huhu! Eh February?? Hadiah pelissss.. LOL! On Sunday morning, the whole family except Ayang & fam, pegi ziarah pusara arwah Bak, my late grandfather on my mum's side, kat somewhere in PJ. Then right after that, semua lepak Kerinchi berbuka kat umah Mak Aid, nenek side my mum. FYI, sepanjang-panjang minggu malas gila aku nak datang kerja. Gila tak saba nak raya, huhu! Datang kerja pun see through jegh tinguk screen PC ni.. hohohoho! On malam Raya plak, mak ajak kitorang gi Jalan TAR lagi skali, this time mak plak yang nak shopping! Shopping bunga-bungaan, very the flowery umah kami raya ni yer. Again, kenapa la aku sanggup nak join gak malam tu. Sesak gegila seh tapi seb baek la malam tu banyak pulak mamat-mamat lengchai turun Jalan TAR gak malam tu, sesi mengurangkan pahala mata berlaku.. heee! Yang pasti aku usha warganegara MALAYSIA jegh OK! And hey, finally... HARI INI HARI RAYA!! yeay!!!!! (adeh sorry, memang tatau kenapa this year excited terlebih, baju raya pun sampai 6 pasang.. ape kes -_-" )
And when Raya has finally arrived.. oh agak meriah and duet pun agak 'meriah' keluar dengan lajunya as im working now, so taun ni aku jadi tangan yang menghulur rather than menjadi tangan yang menerima, that part is no fun! Haih.. AKAN TETAPI the sisters still bagi gak la duet raya kat I ni kan hehe, wajib tu wajib as long as im still not married yet! Thanks loads sisters heeee..
p/s: to all the Muslims who have been fasting for a month, kudos to you guys and xspecially YOU ;p clap clap!!
Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Chill Out, Cookies
sal wa cam terasa lebey? :))
err.. nape terase? *siul2*
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