More and More To Come
Semalam nampak dress yang cute sangat, I mean the dress ofcoz.. not the one who's wearing it. Lantas aku grab and beli and lepas tu.. menyesal, sebab tatau nak pakai pegi mane. Lepas ni kalo aku pegi pasar pakai dress, jangan nak banyak soal yer tanye kenapa. I'm looking forward for more dresses.. Nabila, it's your call, muahah! By the way someone said to me, I'm becoming too feminine these days. Dulu gi keje pun hari-hari pakai jeans, skang dah maken perempuan. Oh wait, previously aku bukan perempuan ke? Krisis identiti betul la diorang ni -_-"

Ahaa.. just updated another collection of dresses, pardon me for my getiks pose.. I've learn this from Nabila (am trying to be as comel as you Nabila, so terpakse replace my un-comel face with Papa Santa's deer comel-face.. hohoho). Actually I've booked this dress about a month ago and FYI, ianya agak sepsi on the upper side so I'm wearing a cardi untuk cover up part yang sepsi itu, sekian. By the way, err adakah dress ini terlampau PELANGI? The colours block hurmmmm.. naaahhh, saya sudah beli so it should looks nice on me.. should and must, tak kira.. muahaha! And oh, do ignore the messy background and yes, the dapur is the best place ever for self-photo whoring session ;p

Labels: Giggly Me
Papa santa....i like your dress!!!!Where did you bought it?
Anyway papa santa aka surie, aku tagged ko to do something again. Go to my blog key ( no no not self pimping ) :-p
Papa santa, can I make a wish? I want you to give me that dress for my christmas pressy.
jom kita buat outing hari-pakai-dress.
i've just bought one for my rantai show too. heeee
damn muntots....
bergaya sakan ah akak sorg ni
outing hari-pakai-dress?
haha cute gilaaa
macam hari bintang jatuh jugak kan
onli ni..dress jatuh
to chucky:
psal tagged tu aku ade bace aritu but i was bz last friday so tak lagik, postponed! hehe..
btw about ur wish, has been NOT-granted.. muahahaha! aku pkai smlm time gi wedding abg rudy.. :x gle ikut theme kebetulan, hijau-putih.. damn :))
to wani:
alahai wani, seb baek tadik kat event Rantai suerie tak pkai dress ni, kalo tak pnuh ah ngn lecak dress gwe.. huhu! but the idea of hari-pakai-dress sounds interesting.. ehem!
to boo:
sorry, my butt is not as hot as ur SSS! hahahahahahahah.. *pling*
lurrrve the green. pakai je going anywhere pun... not that it's the trend but it's practical and lovely in one sheath.
thank you suessy! :)
btw y dont u enable comment on ur blog, senang mau communicate with u kat situ seh.. eh plus i dont really understand how the new layout works, dah x mcm dedulu.. am i missing something? dah lama nk tnye psl blog ko sbb bila bukak, aku sure blur huhu
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