Chillin' with THEM
Thanks thanks thanks thanks.. *take a deep breath*... thanks thanks thanks thanks!!
Million thanks!!!!!!!! teehee..
Thanks alot to Qiey for the birthday treat on last Saturday!! *hug* Kami makan Japanese Soba, Grilled Black Pepper Chicken, White Chocolate Macadamia cake, Blueberry Cheese Cake and Banana Split.. grrr! Nampak jegh macam sikit tapi penat gila nak makan sampai habes aritu OK, macam nak termuntah sudah.. LOL! KLMJ betul.. mase study kat UM dulu pun, Qiey and Maz belikan aku 2 slices of Secret Recipe's and lepak makan kat Strawberry, PJ. If I'm not mistaken, that was on my 23rd birthday. I miss those days and I still keep the pictures of the three of us OK (err I think so.. hehe), but but but.. this year tiada adegan suap-meyuap macam dulu, Qiey cakap dah besar boleh suap sendiri.. haha! Don't worry, I love you still! OK, mari kenal dengan kawan saya yang bernama Cik Aqeelah
Dia ex-schoolmate saya masa form 1.
Dia juga ex-tuitionmate saya mase form 4 and form 5.
Dia juga ex-roomate/ex-bedmate/ex-facultymate saya masa kat universiti dulu.
And sekarang, dia juga classmate saya sebab kami further master dalam course yang sama.
Berkepit kan? How ironic life can be, sebab itu semua kebetulan.. except furthering our Master in the same field and university. Other than that, kebetulan OK. Mau kebetulan lagi? Birthday saya jatuh pada Feb 17, while she is on June 17.. how ironic is that? Hehe..

And same goes to you, Andy! Thanks alot for the birthday present!! I just love the smells!! Err hold on, did I just mentioned your name just now? Whoppssie.. *run*
Andy.. was my colleague when I was attached to DiGi. He's also no longer there as well, working somewhere in Cyber now. Still, we're still keep in touch.. FB-ing and YM-ing, muahaha! Hey, we need to make use of the technology, aite? Well, he's Sabahan but he don't know that there is a place called Kota Belut in Sabah and he also don't know that Sabah has its own dialect.. LOL! And FYI, I need to write this part in English or else he will start complaining that he couldn't understand what am I babbling about and will start telling me how bad his Bahasa is.. LOL! Unfortunately girls, he is no longer available. Yes, he's married with 2 adorable little daughters. Sorry Andy, your saham jatuh already ;p muahahaha!

Million thanks!!!!!!!! teehee..
Thanks alot to Qiey for the birthday treat on last Saturday!! *hug* Kami makan Japanese Soba, Grilled Black Pepper Chicken, White Chocolate Macadamia cake, Blueberry Cheese Cake and Banana Split.. grrr! Nampak jegh macam sikit tapi penat gila nak makan sampai habes aritu OK, macam nak termuntah sudah.. LOL! KLMJ betul.. mase study kat UM dulu pun, Qiey and Maz belikan aku 2 slices of Secret Recipe's and lepak makan kat Strawberry, PJ. If I'm not mistaken, that was on my 23rd birthday. I miss those days and I still keep the pictures of the three of us OK (err I think so.. hehe), but but but.. this year tiada adegan suap-meyuap macam dulu, Qiey cakap dah besar boleh suap sendiri.. haha! Don't worry, I love you still! OK, mari kenal dengan kawan saya yang bernama Cik Aqeelah
Dia ex-schoolmate saya masa form 1.
Dia juga ex-tuitionmate saya mase form 4 and form 5.
Dia juga ex-roomate/ex-bedmate/ex-facultymate saya masa kat universiti dulu.
And sekarang, dia juga classmate saya sebab kami further master dalam course yang sama.
Berkepit kan? How ironic life can be, sebab itu semua kebetulan.. except furthering our Master in the same field and university. Other than that, kebetulan OK. Mau kebetulan lagi? Birthday saya jatuh pada Feb 17, while she is on June 17.. how ironic is that? Hehe..

And same goes to you, Andy! Thanks alot for the birthday present!! I just love the smells!! Err hold on, did I just mentioned your name just now? Whoppssie.. *run*
Andy.. was my colleague when I was attached to DiGi. He's also no longer there as well, working somewhere in Cyber now. Still, we're still keep in touch.. FB-ing and YM-ing, muahaha! Hey, we need to make use of the technology, aite? Well, he's Sabahan but he don't know that there is a place called Kota Belut in Sabah and he also don't know that Sabah has its own dialect.. LOL! And FYI, I need to write this part in English or else he will start complaining that he couldn't understand what am I babbling about and will start telling me how bad his Bahasa is.. LOL! Unfortunately girls, he is no longer available. Yes, he's married with 2 adorable little daughters. Sorry Andy, your saham jatuh already ;p muahahaha!

Labels: Chill Out, Cookies, Giggly Me, Photography, Suerie's Album
ceyhh haruman lagi
dulu nye pressies pon dapat memende wangi
apakah ini semua SIGN
haha kiddin :*
SIGN? i never thought about it!!!! gosh.. i need to ask these ppl la, whether is it really a SIGN?? LOL.. siut ah lu
bestnya dapat hadiah tu! surisurisuri ahad ni kita perform satu stage dengan meor haha confident je ok jom pengsan beramai-ramai
meor? dapur hatiMU yang menawan? eh rawan? LOL.. cool! kaki jgn gigil pelis!! ;p
p/s: smpi skang asek nk tergelak je kalo igt balek title lagu Meor - Dapur Hatiku Yang Rawan.. LOL
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