The Click
Last night my parents were rushing back to kampung, Kedah. Pak Lang tak sehat, kena warded semalam kat Hospital Parit Buntar. Hopefully he's going to be just fine. Kakak, Firdaus and Faez follow, aku jegh tinggal sesorang memandangkan ISO nye documentation kat ofis tu belom habis-habis lagi. Haih.. tinggal sorang lagi, terus teringat kat cite Keliwon. Damn you Suerie, tader cerita lain ke kau nak teringat time-time camni? Kenapa mesti cerita Keliwon? Kenapa kenapa?? (tekanan sesorang). Aku terkedip-kedip tengok jam, "Ala.. awal lagi, baru pukul 8 lebih". Maka, acara "The Click" pun berjalan lancar, click channel ni berita, channel tu berita, semua berita!! Ahaa, nasib baek AXN ada CSI marathon, layan! Tapi tengok CSI secara marathon pun macam nak termuntah jugak. Then layan London INK, and then click click click itu ini sampailah tertekan One Tree Hill. OMG, lama gila tak tengokkkkkkk!! Lama gila seh tak tengok sebab selama ni abah yang pegang title King of "The Click" untuk tv kat main hall and mak pulak pegang title Queen of "The Click" untuk tv kat dapur. Aku? Terima seadanya cerita yang di'click'kan itu -_-"
Oh ya, maaflah.. FYI, aku bukan pengikut tv series yang tegar sampaikan sanggup beli DVD tv series and buat marathon sampai pagi macam Cik Alieya kita.. LOL! So aku agak backdated sikit bab-bab tv series ni. Anyway again FYI, the main reason why I love so much watching OTH is because of the message behind each episode. Same goes to Desperate Housewives. Aku suka kata-kata penghujung cerita tu, I feel really connected.. they're always quoting something that related to our daily lives. Kata-kata yang agak mencocok hati. So usually, at the end of the series aku dah ready sesiap dengan handphone or kertas and pensil nak salin all the 'magical' and 'beautiful' quotes.
Below is taken from One Tree Hill Season 5 - Episode 11. Well, I know this quote really means alot to few of my friends that are currently struggling hard with their 'LIFE' - I'de prefer the names not to be mentioned but I know, deep down you know who are, don't you? "Aja aja fighting, guys!!"
Oh ya, maaflah.. FYI, aku bukan pengikut tv series yang tegar sampaikan sanggup beli DVD tv series and buat marathon sampai pagi macam Cik Alieya kita.. LOL! So aku agak backdated sikit bab-bab tv series ni. Anyway again FYI, the main reason why I love so much watching OTH is because of the message behind each episode. Same goes to Desperate Housewives. Aku suka kata-kata penghujung cerita tu, I feel really connected.. they're always quoting something that related to our daily lives. Kata-kata yang agak mencocok hati. So usually, at the end of the series aku dah ready sesiap dengan handphone or kertas and pensil nak salin all the 'magical' and 'beautiful' quotes.
Below is taken from One Tree Hill Season 5 - Episode 11. Well, I know this quote really means alot to few of my friends that are currently struggling hard with their 'LIFE' - I'de prefer the names not to be mentioned but I know, deep down you know who are, don't you? "Aja aja fighting, guys!!"
Albert Camus once wrote..
“Blessed are the hearts that can bend. They shall never be broken.”
But I wonder, if there’s no breaking, then there’s no healing. And if there’s no healing, then there’s no learning. And if there’s no learning, then there’s no struggle. But struggling is a part of life.
So must all hearts be broken?
Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Cookies, Word Puzzles
ahahha marathon smpai pagi cam freakin pwnage!!
oh if u like all these little quotes at the end of each episode try grey's anatomy jugak
boo.. greys kan wa layan since study kt UM dlu, remember? LOL.. marathon 1st season till 7am, erk.. sounds like anak pompuan Auntie Jay seh, haha.. opps ;p
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