Tuesday, March 31

Oh Em Gee

That is how Sara wrote on her FB status this morning. Oh Em Gee, that's so cute! Oh when I said Sara, it's Sara Bareilles, LOL! Sara.. ceh macam kawan sepermainan jegh when I address her as Sara, haha.. hey, this is fun! But having runny nose in early in the morning is no fun at all. I was on MC yesterday due to fever, so the whole day either I sat in the sofa watching my niece playing around with her little bro OR just lying helplessly on the bed. I only got up from bed just to fill up my empty stomach, took a shower or Suerie in the loo time and went to see the handsome doc, Dr Syed. Yer, doktor yang boleh tahan handsome tapi sangat sinikal. Because the first word that will come out from his mouth is, "So nak MC la ni?". Gah, I'm not pretending when I said I am sick, OK.. duhh! Geget kang, feels like pulling his tongue out and cut it into pieces.. hihi kejam tak? No lah, I won't do that, I'm far too "kind" to do such thing.. just trying to be dramatic here, I AM TOTALLY IN THE MIDDLE OF BOREDOM, helppppppppppppppp!

Oh God, it's 4:59pm and I haven't take my medication yet - which I have always failed to do so, jeng jeng jeng.. finish the antibiotic! Ngee.. no wonder I keep on fallin sick that frequent, ngee! Eh, double ngee?? Put the blame on my friend sebab if tanya dia sikit "Haa dude, lu tengah buat pe? Chat with your gf??", then surely he will reply back like "Ngee :D". Apekah.. sepuluh kali tanya pun, sepuluh-sepuluh kali kot lu nak jawab NGEE. You're sick seh - xspecially when you're in love, "ngee" follow-up by a smiley, will be your absolute trademark, seriously dude! *giggles*

Oh Em Gee once again, what am I bebel-ing about ni??? OK OK OK, enough! Maaf, saya bosan maka jangan salahkan saya. I just wanted to update my blog - with this point-less entry, ngee! Yes, I’m back. And I’m going to be here DAILY. That’s right, folks. I don’t care how busy I am, you’re going to get a post. So welcome! Err wait, daily? Sounds impossible.. hoho! OK, toodles then! *wink*

Can you take me back to that place where stars glow?
Comets swarm like fireflies outside your window

But are you afraid? You always said the world will never last
And Lola I'm not afraid, if you star-wipe all your past away
And the sun comes one more day
p/s: I've told you that lyrics IS addictive - I crack myself up -_-"
Lola Stars and Stripes by The Stills - do you manage to dig it out from your old playlist, Chuck? LOL



Blogger chuck said...

Yeah I manage to find it and listen it on loop like crazy. I feel "indied" that day, hahhaha is that even the word. The other song that I like from death is Love & Death, that is actually the first song I've heard from The Stills. The song is wicked but at the same times there something depressing in it so I can't listen it too much haha. Tell me if u want that song ok?

April 02, 2009 7:16 PM  
Blogger Suri said...


April 03, 2009 2:06 PM  
Blogger chuck said...

Ahh just hope that internet malam ni tak buat pasal. Nanti I pass the link here aiight??

April 03, 2009 3:24 PM  
Blogger chuck said...


p/s : Nag gi konsert Jamiroquai aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

April 04, 2009 9:41 AM  
Blogger Suri said...

ah thanks alot, chucky!!!!
im downloading it now

April 06, 2009 7:55 PM  

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