Buenas Noches
Today I've learn something NEW.. hihi! Curi-curi masa jap during lunch break just now, learning Spanish. Uhhuh, Spanish.. very the smexyy language huh? Weeheee
"Perdon, senorita.. intiende catellano?" which means
"Excuse me, Miss.. do you understand Spanish?"
And the fav line for today is..
"No hablo castellano" which means "I DON'T SPEAK SPANISH"
Geez, I like this.. LOL! *giggles*
I guess I will be spending my weekend by learning to speak Spanish.. walaweh! And then kan kan kan.. I'm planning to attend this Bengkel Seni Lukis that will be held on July, just RM50 for 3 sessions. Sounds tempting enough to me. Then, my weekends for July will be fully occupied.. OK, fakta yang menarik jugak. Jom Chuck? Huhu.. (Hello cik Suerie, kalau setakat sembang gegar jegh lebih, tak payah la beb.. LOL) OK la, I've done copying some audio tutorial, it's time to pack and go back home. Well, have a lovely weekend guys.. Adios, senor! *wink*
Oh ya BTW, today is Firdaus's 24th birthday.. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, bro! Just as Intan said, one year older, one year wiser. Hope that you'll be able to read between the line, my dearly notty 'little' bro ;p ofcourse, not physically little.. duhh -_-"
Err.. I wonder how to wish Happy Birthday in Spanish? Dig Suerie.. dig it out!!
"Perdon, senorita.. intiende catellano?" which means
"Excuse me, Miss.. do you understand Spanish?"
And the fav line for today is..
"No hablo castellano" which means "I DON'T SPEAK SPANISH"
Geez, I like this.. LOL! *giggles*
I guess I will be spending my weekend by learning to speak Spanish.. walaweh! And then kan kan kan.. I'm planning to attend this Bengkel Seni Lukis that will be held on July, just RM50 for 3 sessions. Sounds tempting enough to me. Then, my weekends for July will be fully occupied.. OK, fakta yang menarik jugak. Jom Chuck? Huhu.. (Hello cik Suerie, kalau setakat sembang gegar jegh lebih, tak payah la beb.. LOL) OK la, I've done copying some audio tutorial, it's time to pack and go back home. Well, have a lovely weekend guys.. Adios, senor! *wink*
Oh ya BTW, today is Firdaus's 24th birthday.. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, bro! Just as Intan said, one year older, one year wiser. Hope that you'll be able to read between the line, my dearly notty 'little' bro ;p ofcourse, not physically little.. duhh -_-"
Err.. I wonder how to wish Happy Birthday in Spanish? Dig Suerie.. dig it out!!

Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Giggly Me
Nak gi bengkel seni lukis huuuuu..bestnyer.
I have to something.
spanish antara bahasa yang paling senang nak belajar weh. pasal pronunciation dia sama dengan bahasa malaysia.
tapi aku suka bahasa jepun. nampak comel. aww. haha
to chucky:
LOL, u havent met him b4 ke chuck? masa wedding abg qiey? no? everybody thought tht he was my bf seh masa tu.. silly! haha..
so now u got no excuse to not to come to my open house this year ;p
to shahril:
so true, spell n pronounce.. tp ada gak la dengung2 izhar halqi yg kena btul kan.. so need to listen and pronounce it well :D but one thing is, SAKIT JAW NAK PRONOUNCE SPANISH NI! -_-"
honto ni kawaii ne!!!
orangnya pun comel kot, haha! back in the early 2000s, mmg obses gila kot.. i even bought utada hikaru punye first debut hohohohoho
tapi.. japanese sgt susah la doink, tak dapek den nak nolong -_-"
Bengkel Seni Lukis kat mana weh?bakpe murah sangat?lukis ape?org lidi ke?ekekeke..
ngeng! ;p
bakpe murah sgt? kekgi mahal2, tadop sape tubik pulok (OMG, tganurian hancus kita ni)
promo price kot, ala iStudio yg buat.. yg ko gi dia punya launching aritu dgn nasrah
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