Wednesday, June 24


"Life's Tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too LATE"
by Benjamin Franklin

Yesterday started sooo badly and ended sooo beautifully that I am SO HAPPY to find out that sometimes being late can be a good thing either! Well, normally I would be very upset with myself if I forgot to set my alarm and end up waking up late for work. Biasalah, pelupa.. siapa suruh makan banyak semut goreng kan? Huu.. ANYWAY, back to the main story! Usually, I'll get up at 7:45am and off to work by 8:40am. However, this morning I was 15 minutes late and I was like, "Oh shoot!! Shoot!! Pukul 8 lebih dah..", maka terus BERTUKAR menjadi superwoman, jumped off from the bed and straightly went to the bathroom. BUT suprisingly, by the time I started the car's engine, I looked at the clock and guess what? The clock is ticking, showing almost 8:30am. What?!! It's not possible! Lagi cepat dari biasa? But I thought I was LATE? Wow, amazing seh! Nampak sangat selama ni I have wasted so much time on - 'brain warm up' sebelum bangun dari katil aka mamai and analyzing setiap sudut muka di depan cermin. Gah!

And owh ya, another good thing about being late is that, you will get a free parking! Yes, seriously.. that's what happened to me. But this time, it is not about being late for work but about leaving office late everyday. Balik lambat sudah menjadi kebiasaan since the day one I started working. Kebetulan semalam, terleka buat something and sedar-sedar dah pukul 7:40pm??? Dang! Memandangkan hari dah makin gelap and thinking that it takes me 10 minutes of walking (ALONE) from the office to the carpark, pastu nak kena panjat tangga sampai tingkat TIGA lagi.. maka dengan cuaknya, aku kelam-kabut shutdown pc and blah. By the time I reached my car, I saw the pak guard was there too, just a few feet from my car. "Ah sudah! Apahal pak guard ni tetiba ada kat level 3 memalam ni?". Sangat suspicious, lantas dengan rasa cuak, risau diapa-apakan aka dirogol atau yang seangkatan dengannya, dengan kadar segera I locked the door as soon as I entered my car. (NOTE: don't ever trust a stranger, including PAK GUARD.. you will never know, sometimes it is good to be PARANOID bertempat). Suddenly, pak guard tu came to me and trying to say something. So, I lower down my window and rupanya dia nak cakap, "Dik, you selalu balik lambat kan? Saya nampak you selalu balik malam-malam, parking tingkat 3 juga. Banyak bahaya. Esok pagi, you parking tingkat 1 OK. Saya reserve parking untuk you, bahaya la parking sini balik lambat-lambat. Tiga minggu lepas ada orang kena ragut dekat level 2. Esok pagi jumpa saya ok?". Wah, baiknya hati!! Rupanya dia just nak inform aku pasal the reserved parking. Sekali lagi, WAHHHH pakcik sangat BAIK HATI! FYI, parking level 1 semuanya all right reserved and you actually need to pay for it. Tapi pakcik yang baik hati itu bagi saya FREE. So starting from today, saya tak perlu panjat sampai tingkat 3 lagi. OH HEAVEN, isn't it?

Kalau macam ni, hari-hari lambat pun taper. *giggles*

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Blogger chuck said...

Bangun lambat tapi siap cepat? Ahh penah berlaku jugak LOL. Sebab time tu otak kiter kater CEPAT! CEPAT! so memang takder maser nak waste time. Cuba ko bayangkan kalau kiter bangun awal macam biaser tapi kiter siap dengar kelajuan kalau kiter bangun lambat, mesti jadi orang first sampai office hohoho.

Tempat aku gi lambat takder parking..ok :-/

That pak cik is so cool and kind hearted <3

June 25, 2009 1:33 AM  
Blogger maz said...

wei wei..tadi ko cakap jangan pecaya sesape termasuk pak gad...skang ko puji2 pak gad tu...konflik dalaman ko ni....ko pecaya ke pak gad tu...eii..ngeri..ngeri...

June 25, 2009 3:56 AM  
Blogger Suri said...

to chuck:
the prob now is.. kalo bangun awal, kita bersiap mcm TUAN PUTERI! terhegeh-hegeh nak siap -_-"

kt ofis aku pun mcm tu jugak, by 8:50am.. dah kena park level 3. thts why la kaki i maintain slim, hari-hari panjat tangga tinggi-tinggi.. hohoho

to maz:
tu la maz, saya mengalami krisis identiti sebentar.. oh NO!

June 25, 2009 9:37 AM  

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