Blast: Another Series
UiTM coursemates
@ The Apartment, The Curve
Persetankan crews
@ Q'Bistro, Sri Permaisuri
This weekend aku rasa weekend bergelak ketawa secara marathon, hilang ilmu.. LOL! And I think gathering Persetankan hari ni pecah rekod seh. Almost semua 'majlis tertinggi' Persetankan datang except Along and Suessy. Takpe korang, Raya is just around the corner.. nanti meet up reramai lagi, hehe. And to Beck & Dhilla, Nizam & Farah, Wani & Syafiq, Ikmal & Naja, Bella & Jack, Fuzuri & wife, Jasmine, Ikim, Arep, Hellmy, Omar, Jarri, Melissa and Mumos.. thank you so much for coming guys, seriously as Beck said.. "I had a blast tonight!".
Oh lupa, semalam Jasmin bagi kad raya kat semua orang, first kad raya aku tahun ni. Last time masa dia mintak address from semua orang, semua ingat dia nak post kad kawen. Serious lawak gila, siap cakap "Tahniah ah Min, congrats!!", hahaha adeh! Anyway thanks alot Min for the thought, handmade pulak tu.. fuh! Ucapan untuk semua orang pun lelain and I like what you've wrote for me..
"Something good will happen to each of us"
InsyaAllah, Min.. amin!
p/s: 2nd & 3rd pictures, by Ikim
Oh lupa, semalam Jasmin bagi kad raya kat semua orang, first kad raya aku tahun ni. Last time masa dia mintak address from semua orang, semua ingat dia nak post kad kawen. Serious lawak gila, siap cakap "Tahniah ah Min, congrats!!", hahaha adeh! Anyway thanks alot Min for the thought, handmade pulak tu.. fuh! Ucapan untuk semua orang pun lelain and I like what you've wrote for me..
"Something good will happen to each of us"
InsyaAllah, Min.. amin!
p/s: 2nd & 3rd pictures, by Ikim

Updated: It's already 2:06 AM, just finished uploading all the piccies. Maaf, can't help it, gila sakan, hoho! OK am done, sekarang boleh tidur dengan nyenyaknya, SELAMAT MALAM MALAYSIA! *giggles*
p/s: picture below taken by Maro @IKEA, I like this.. auw!
p/s: picture below taken by Maro @IKEA, I like this.. auw!

Labels: Chill Out, Cookies, PERSETANKAN
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