Memory Error
Kira-kira 10 minit lepas..
Nak pergi pantry basuh mug but instead, dengan penuh 'confident'nya aku gi bawak mug tu pergi toilet. Duhh.. *patah balik pergi pantry* (FYI, toilet berada di luar office)
Kira-kira 5 minit lepas..
Nak buat nescafe: isi susu, gula & nescafe. Lepas tu, ntah kenapa I blankly went to the sink and filled up the mug with air paip instead of hot water. Duhhhhhhh.. *curah semua dalam sinki and buat baru*
What's wrong with you today, Suerie??
Isk isk isk.. mak aih, nyanyuk tahap critical.
Nak pergi pantry basuh mug but instead, dengan penuh 'confident'nya aku gi bawak mug tu pergi toilet. Duhh.. *patah balik pergi pantry* (FYI, toilet berada di luar office)
Kira-kira 5 minit lepas..
Nak buat nescafe: isi susu, gula & nescafe. Lepas tu, ntah kenapa I blankly went to the sink and filled up the mug with air paip instead of hot water. Duhhhhhhh.. *curah semua dalam sinki and buat baru*
What's wrong with you today, Suerie??
Isk isk isk.. mak aih, nyanyuk tahap critical.
Labels: Bubbles In The Air
i choose debug
de-bugging.. bugging, bugging bugging me, LOL!
dan aku terlupa nak buat payment keta, boleh? tengahari tadi baru bayar, fuhhh..
:) u'r going to the art shop this week?? blehkah tolong survey some stuff for me?
im going to Balai Seni Lukis tomorrow, nak suh tolong survey kan masking fluids and easel eh? aku ingat aku nak 'shopping' acrylic & brushes kat situ la, muahhaha >:)
its time for 'shopping'!!
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