Take 5
I do my thing and you do yours.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,
and you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful.
If not, it can't be helped.
by Frederick Perls
Anyway, I just cut my hair short.. accidentally, #%*@&! Suruh trim SATU INCI but I guess her definition of ONE INCH is BERINCI-INCI. Previously rambut lepas paras bahu but now dah atas paras bahu, *menangis*! Gila failed minah tu punya measurement, but luckily I am not that kind of person yang akan memaki orang eventhough dia buat kerja tak betul. Instead, I said "OK, thanks!" when she asked me how was the "SUPERB SHORT" haircut. Haih, baik gila kan? Konon nak jaga hati minah tu la kan, padahal dalam hati, "Habis rambut gua!". Oh well, lantak lah kan. As long as I look as cute as Dae Sung, who cares aite? HAHAHAHA!
Rambut saya sekarang macam ni lah. Alaaaa, tolong bagi saya 5 minit untuk perasan kejap, boleh?
Rambut saya sekarang macam ni lah. Alaaaa, tolong bagi saya 5 minit untuk perasan kejap, boleh?

Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Word Puzzles
Your new hair is kiyowo sangat macam this cute girl. My Daesung must be very proud XP ( ok abaikan ayat last)
But seriously it suits you. But, I don't know about you lah, but doing something to your hair, either u cut it, dye, straight or perm, u feel like..macam reborn to a new you kan?? Sangat suka! Aku nak straight balik rambut next year :D
My Daesung..? LOL..
takpe, berangan tak perlukan duit, hahaha!
BTW, what does kiyowo means? sama eh? itulah kan, macam sama jegh kan.. hahaha, sekali lagi perasan ;p and sangat setuju about the reborn thingy. U feel 'fresh', like a new person as wht u've said la kan tapi... RINDU RAMBUT PANJANG KU ITU!
Kiyowo means
CUTE!!! jajajajaaa..
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