Psychokinetic Influence
The act of "psychokinetically" affecting your reality is called "manisfestation". By understanding how Psychokinesis works, you are able to know the mechanics of manifestation much better. Changing your reality with your intent is after all a mind thing. Studying how psychic phenomena works, plays a large part in your ability to manifest what you want.source:
Suddenly, I think I can relate to this. Chuck, I guess you should start considering to use your Psychokinetic Influence now. Three times in a row? That is coincidence no more, that is FATE! (Oh wow, look who's talking now huh.. haha). Next time (if you are that lucky to meet him again la kan), the moment you see him, kau kena terus pandang dia and say (dalam hati), "Look at me, boy.. look at me! Talk to me.. talk to meeeeee" and your tone harus macam witch tengah cast a spell, hahahaha. Try lah, mana tau jadi ke kan.. just have faith, LOL! Having faith in something puts us in a state of confidence. Oh, I've just read that on the net just now.. hieww :D
But as what Daughtry said in his song..
Be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it all and then some you dont want.
HAHAHA, psycho tak?

p/s: Err should I just go to the conference this Saturday?
*giggling stupidly*
*giggling stupidly*
Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Mind Reality
Surie..sayer sudah buat ok. Mungkin tak jadi sebab aku bukan dalam group mutant or Twilight kot. Percaya lah. Lepas ni aku nak jampi semua seat bus transnasional yang aku naik. Lagi senang kut.
Kalau jampi semua seat, nanti semua orang kejar kau.. macam satu movie ni, i cant remember what's the title. dia terlebih2 pakai perfume (mcm guna2 la haha) then semua orang kejar dia, LOL! Haaa, jejaga babe.. muahaha!
Why dont you ask him to sit next to you instead? ;p
saturday?! yes!
Yes? Eh wait, asal wa tetibe blushing gila, pipi panas ni? HAAHAHAHHA
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