HOME ALONE (not that movie)
Mak and Abah currently in Mecca, performing umrah. This is their 5th visit, seronok sangat katanya. They'll be back on January 1st, so basically I'll be "HOME ALONE" for another 8 days till New Year. ALONE means BOREDOM, and this is what I do when I'm in the middle of BOREDOM.. MUAHAHAHAHA! Astaga.. yeah, I know T___T

Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Giggly Me
Babe!! Nice eye makeup yo! You look so different :DD
Peace yo! LOL
hey, thank you! hehe.. ofcoz la i look different, semua makeup tricks muahaha. See, if i dont paint on canvas, i paint my face.. clever huh? hahaha
yea..i loike..sungguh santek la... -qiey
auww, thank you thank you!
eye make up gorgeous.
ko sangat gorgeous lah suerie.
dont want to try contacts for life?
*wink wink*
thanks Suessy, semua org pun will look gorgeous when they put on some makeup ;p
by the way, seriously ramainya suruh aku pkai contacts. if only la kan, coz aku astig aku tinggi seh.. but i dont know if now dah available for high astig
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