Wednesday, May 19


Everyone has a habit, so do I.

I rarely duplicate stuffs that I already have.
I usually will only have a pair of heels at a time.
I usually will only have a pair of sandals at a time.
I usually will only have a pair of slippers at a time.
I usually will only have a pair of sport shoes at a time.
I usually will only have one handbag at a time (and so on).
I usually will buy a replacement only when the items are no longer in a good condition.

I love to sleep at the wall side of my bed with my back facing the wall. I always have to have blankets on me to fall asleep no matter even if it is hot. I always sleep with a fan on even if it is cold outside.

I'm not really a well-organized person but I love to organise things first before I could start doing anything. I love to separate the spoons, forks, plates etc and make sure the sink is empty first before I could start washing the dishes. I love to separate all the clothes accordingly by types (pants, shirts, undergarments and etc) before I could start to hang dry them.

I often prefer to write greeting cards with pencil.
I love to stay in my bedroom with the fan being switched-off.
I always have to take off my shoes or slippers when I'm driving.

And last but not least, saya ada habit malas potong kuku. Nasib baik Mak always become my reminder (kena marah sebenarnya) heee ;p

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Blogger Ace said...

Only one type of every shoe?

Wow. I suppose it does save the environment.

May 20, 2010 11:51 AM  
Blogger Suri said...

As I said, USUALLY.. most of the time la :)

And even if I have more than one, selalunya yang lain-lain tu simpan je buat pekasam, haha. Tak reti la kalau ada banyak-banyak ni, I'm too loyal I guess.. LOL

May 20, 2010 4:44 PM  

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