Head To Reality
Quick update after for a long hiatus, ngee. I think this is the longest fully utilized raya break that I ever had. From Kerinchi to Kedah off till Tuesday, from Kedah to Hot Springs somewhere in Sungkai, Perak then finally headed back to KL yesterday evening.
Anyway, seems like everyone is getting married this month but this one particular fella, damn, dah "potong queue" seh, huhu. Once again, congratulations to you Sir and the lovely wifey Nadia, may Allah bless both of ya and semoga berkekalan hingga akhirat, amin.. insyaAllah.

And to the rest, congratulations in advance.. can't wait for your weddings!! Welcome home, Wani Ardy!! Pape pun, here I am now, back to reality.. but still on vacation mode. Isnin baru start keje, too lazy to return to work, oh pickles! Yang penting, esok OPEN HOUSE jyeah!
Anyway, seems like everyone is getting married this month but this one particular fella, damn, dah "potong queue" seh, huhu. Once again, congratulations to you Sir and the lovely wifey Nadia, may Allah bless both of ya and semoga berkekalan hingga akhirat, amin.. insyaAllah.

And to the rest, congratulations in advance.. can't wait for your weddings!! Welcome home, Wani Ardy!! Pape pun, here I am now, back to reality.. but still on vacation mode. Isnin baru start keje, too lazy to return to work, oh pickles! Yang penting, esok OPEN HOUSE jyeah!

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