Happened, Happening, Happens
I owe this blog lots of update. So yeah, I'm gonna write down that typical 'statement' - I've been superb busy for the past few months way to go until June. Yeah, harapnya just until June. Been working from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM almost everyday and I haven't take any leave yet for this year, how sad. Macam mana nak apply cuti, project berderet dari awal tahun till mid-year. Berkecai harapan nak join Firdaus pergi Korea this coming June, sobs!
Nak update dari January till March, sure panjang lebar. So, I'm gonna make it short. Really really really short, PROMISE!
The one who've just left for NZ!
My dearest sister, Ayang and the whole family just moved to Hamilton, New Zealand last month. My BIL is currently furthering his study in PhD at University of Waikato for 3 years. Even though bebudak kecik ni nakal nakal, tapi percayalah.. yang nenakal ni jugak lah yang Tok Wan dia rindu sangat. Hehari bukak Facebook tatap gambar cucu-cucu dia bertiga ni. Jumpa tahun depan! (kalau ada duit, LOL)
Nak update dari January till March, sure panjang lebar. So, I'm gonna make it short. Really really really short, PROMISE!
The one who've just left for NZ!
My dearest sister, Ayang and the whole family just moved to Hamilton, New Zealand last month. My BIL is currently furthering his study in PhD at University of Waikato for 3 years. Even though bebudak kecik ni nakal nakal, tapi percayalah.. yang nenakal ni jugak lah yang Tok Wan dia rindu sangat. Hehari bukak Facebook tatap gambar cucu-cucu dia bertiga ni. Jumpa tahun depan! (kalau ada duit, LOL)

The one who've just got back from Aussie!
YAY! Wani Ardy in d'house yaw, she's finally came back for good. Baguslah, heharap dah takde masalah tak tidur malam, berjaga sampai ke Subuh. Hope not, dengar tak tu Wani? *cough*

The one who've just got married!
Anne (Muhaini Muhammad), my ex-roommate masa kat Matrikulasi Melaka just got married recently. Great, semua ex-roommate I masa matriks, tetiga dah kahwin. Yang kelakarnya, masa matriks dulu diorang buat prediction that I'm gonna be the first among us yang akan kahwin. Eventually, it becomes the other way round, haha. Don't you think it's funny? NO! -_-"
Anne (Muhaini Muhammad), my ex-roommate masa kat Matrikulasi Melaka just got married recently. Great, semua ex-roommate I masa matriks, tetiga dah kahwin. Yang kelakarnya, masa matriks dulu diorang buat prediction that I'm gonna be the first among us yang akan kahwin. Eventually, it becomes the other way round, haha. Don't you think it's funny? NO! -_-"

The one who've just got.. err a little more less younger? LOL!
Yeah yeah yeah, siapa lagi kalau bukan anak Haji Mansor. Turned 28 on Feb 17 and as usual, nothing much less ordinary. Cuma yang terharunya, my officemates a.k.a The Annoying Oranges bought me a birthday cake and present which was very unexpected. Thank you so much girls for the red purse and thank you to my sister for the sling. Love you all to the bits! <3
And oh, my little niece celebrated her 7th birthday just few days after mine :) Nampak je innocent minah ni tapi boleh tahan jugak. Ada ke dia bawak balik exam paper dia? Dia cakap, "Adik bawak balik sebab Adik belum habis jawab lagi la Mama". Oh gosh, saya lurus, saya OK? *tepuk dahi*
Yeah yeah yeah, siapa lagi kalau bukan anak Haji Mansor. Turned 28 on Feb 17 and as usual, nothing much less ordinary. Cuma yang terharunya, my officemates a.k.a The Annoying Oranges bought me a birthday cake and present which was very unexpected. Thank you so much girls for the red purse and thank you to my sister for the sling. Love you all to the bits! <3
And oh, my little niece celebrated her 7th birthday just few days after mine :) Nampak je innocent minah ni tapi boleh tahan jugak. Ada ke dia bawak balik exam paper dia? Dia cakap, "Adik bawak balik sebab Adik belum habis jawab lagi la Mama". Oh gosh, saya lurus, saya OK? *tepuk dahi*

And last but not least, we've just got new family members!
We have cats in the house now, yaw! Aduka, Cempaka and err.. I don't know how to spell the name correctly, the name is E'oww? Kot.. huhu. Aduka and Cempaka? Don't ask me why, ask my brother please, LOL!
We have cats in the house now, yaw! Aduka, Cempaka and err.. I don't know how to spell the name correctly, the name is E'oww? Kot.. huhu. Aduka and Cempaka? Don't ask me why, ask my brother please, LOL!

Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Cookies, Sunshine
Eh eh saya termasuk dalam post ni lah hihihi I love you ^_^
mesti lah makcik ;p i love you too <3
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