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Wednesday, January 17
harukahana Touch
All the stuffs below are the artwork of harukahana @ farhana, the cousin! she's currently in her final year doin fine art in uitm, shah alam. as you can see, she's slightly different frm her sister.. i mean the artwork. here are some of her works tht i grabbed frm her online gallery.
"Violet Sky" - A painting with fluffy white could in violet pink sky.
Unfortunately, im not sure wht are title of both painting. Both are for her project, sumthin to do with terengganu.. and if u guys dont get it, those are wave guys.. lol!
"Pink Degree" - her final show
"Fly" - fly bird fly.. weww!
Potrait of Julian (err who's this nway.. anyone??)
the stroke? huhu.. nmpk sgt aku neh dgr jegh lagu2 diorg tp x amek taw sape diorg.. lol! yup.. mebi btul kot coz kitorg pnah borak psl the strokes.. time latest album dier br kua.. btw thx ;)
atas tu gamba full line up The Stroke ( jilain, etc) yg bawah ti led zep. agaknye la
the stroke? huhu.. nmpk sgt aku neh dgr jegh lagu2 diorg tp x amek taw sape diorg.. lol! yup.. mebi btul kot coz kitorg pnah borak psl the strokes.. time latest album dier br kua..
btw thx ;)
aper farahana & fairuz nye blogs addresses???
ps: awat ler bakat2 tuh dpt kat diorang2.. sket pon tak kene kat org.. uwwwwwaaa..
damn nice artwork seh...hadui..tangan bedung..hahaha
yup, they are the strokes and yang kat bawah tu led zeppelin :3 hey, thanks so much featuring my artworks.
Maybe I should draw myself and Julian. OOOHHH OHHH!!
Oh, Julian looks so normal on his "everyday" day. A friend of mine met him in NY, tgh makan dgn isteri. Siap bergambar gambar aku dengki
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