Viroze @ roze the cousin
maseh lg blaja @ mmu,cyberjaya in graphic design or sumthin like tht.. aku pn x igt coz kitorg jarang jmpe. di bawah adalah sum of her touch, the rest byk lg kot but neh jegh yg aku ada.. so serve urself k!

self-potraits.. she's gud.. sint she?
took her 3 hours to finished up this piece..yg ni kalo x silap gune cat minyak, lukis atas kanvas coz i saw the drawing mase rayer aritu.. kewl!
Pencils are lying untouched and drawings are left undone. -While You Were Sleeping cover by Fairuz
she's really a big fan of josh groban.. 'So She Dances' inspired by 'So She Dances' by Josh Groban ("another incomplete drawing..with no finger details.." as she says)Labels: Art Attack
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