The Workplace: Here I Come!

yerp.. this is my workplace! smpai awal aritu.. then snap gune camera fon so shot cm blur2 sket.. yerla, fon chokia jegh.. nanti2 la angkat camera.. ai tader duet, abes duet baya hutang um.. huh! btw mebi looks like im too over xcited here bout my workplace.. yes, i am xcited! too over xcited.. bcoz this is not wht i've xpect. honestly.. this is much way better than i thought it was. I never thought i'll be here.. been given the oppurtunity working in, well.. i can say a very gud company. im saying all this craps coz im not doing so gud during my college.. no flying colours cert.. a big NO NO! Thx God.. alhamdulillah, the most thing i were worried about is not gonna to happen.. i got a job! again.. thx to God! so, what now? WAKE UP and bace buku byk2.. kalo tanak kne tendang kua.. huhu!! asek ym jegh.. damn it! -_-"
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