I Am Muslim

"Who are we?
These are the questions I ask: are Muslim Malaysians lost? Do we lack confidence in ourselves and that is why we hold onto religion or a certain lifestyle, because there is nothing else left to make us feel fulfilled? Contented?
What makes us Muslim when we wear the hijab but consort with shamans, drink and hold discourses on Cuban cigars while attending Friday prayers diligently, and at the same time, swallow everything an imam tells us when he could be a con-man? Who are we as people and personalities?"
tengahari td, lpas lunch aku singgah jap kt MPH beli CLEO like usual.. yer yer, aku maseh bace CLEO.. tak serabut! nway.. lepas aku dah baya kt kaunter, aku trus keluar gi balek join intan n ofismate dier borak2. Suddenly, teringat sumthin... I Am Muslim!! ala.. luper nak survey harga buku tu. Actually 2 3 arineh aku tetibe nak sgt beli buku tu and bace. Dengar2 content dier mcm menarek.. b4 this aku x pnah dengar pn psal buku neh but pnah ternampak sorg pompuan cun free hair tgh bace buku tu dalam train time aku onda way balek keje. "owh.. wah, bace buku agama awek cun neh.. bagus bagus!". Dun get me wrong okay, bukan aku ckp awek cun taleh bace buku agama and tak bace buku agama... just, terdetik dalam hati nak ckp cmtu =]. That was few weeks ago.. but bebaru neh aku terbace dlm paper psal new movie in the making, aku tak igt ape isu utama sampai movie tu kne petik lam paper tapi wht attracts me was the name of Dina Zaman. Dina Zaman, the writer of I Am Muslim! I was like.. "I Am Muslim? erk... buku yg aritu tu?". And since that.. aku terase nak bace buku tu seems tht aku skang mmg tgh busan amat mencari mende/ektibiti tuk dibuat. Bukan nye sbb free sesgt but terase kosong. Jiwa kosong, otak kosong... pewut? pewut yg kosong pagik td telah diisi just now.. huhu!
Btw, for those yg dah bace buku neh.. siler2 la kumen2 sket psal buku tu coz aku nak taw bagus ngak naskah tersebot. Tp still.. im planning to buy tht book by the end of this week, tggu gaji masuk dlu.. hehe! And owh.. adekah buku Rich Dad Poor Dad bagus juger? Tetibe aku nampak akak aku gi beli buku tu td kt MPH.. hurm, tp lemah la aku ngn material buku tu.. jenis kertas tu aku ngilu, err.. mcm buku teks sejarah time skola dlu. Aku pun tataw nape aku ngilu ngan kertas cmtu.. pelik!
Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Prisoner of Thoughts
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