Teambuilding Nov07: Long Journey to Cherating
lazy to put the caption now.. i'll just upload some of the piccies during the teambuilding and will edit this post later on when i've the mood to do so.. ;p but basically from you guys can see, it was quite fun and very entertaining.. gle superb syok! haha.. i was totally a different person as i performing for the battle of the band.. grengg grengg gitar la kunun.. haha, lawak gle.. gelak memanjang! aktiviti-aktiviti time kat sane pn bole tahan menarek gak la.. such as paintballs, kayak, banana boat, water polo.. and nite activity was the best amongst all.. haha! cool abes.. ade battle of the band, we got the 2nd place! and then got iklan session, guess lagu-lagu (yg byk dijwb oleh aku.. haha) and x igt dah coz it was a month ago.. br nak update coz baru dapat gamba from dak2.. k la, later edit.. ;p
p/s: tolong diam jegh.. jgn gelak geguling tinguk piccies aku perform.. *dush*
p/s: tolong diam jegh.. jgn gelak geguling tinguk piccies aku perform.. *dush*

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