Clap Clap
I drew this for about less than 10 minutes, or maybe 5 minutes kot. Kekunun nak lukis dengan gigihnya, starts with the hair on her forehead then went down to her right eyebrow, after that started to draw her nose (nak elak dari jadik idung siti sarah lagik.. LOL) and then lukis eyebrow for the left side. Pastu carefully drew her left and right eyes, damn.. part mata memang sangat dimencik sebab aku slalu failed and owh part bibir as well, sangat tidak mahir. Thats why, bila sampai part nak sketch bibir dia jegh.. I was like "Alamak.. wth, asal bibir ni tak jadik.. mencik mencik!". Yeah there you go, semangat nak lukis dengan gigihnya - it flew away just like that.. clap clap! Trus aku dah malas nak continue. So I just roughly drew her jaw, hair, neck, hand and added some shades on few areas (kalo pasan satu jarik dier kegemukkan sebab I was superb lazy to fix it sebab ilang mood sudah). And as you can see, both of the pictures are way too different from each other.. Oh sangat spoiled!

Labels: Art Attack, Bubbles In The Air
lol... good try neway. haha. comel! comel!
ala chris.. i know tht im not as gud as u are.. *ati pecah*
hehe.. thx nway!
wahh..bagus2..usaha lebih skit yer..heheheh
hehe.. thx!
bukan usaha lebih sket, lebih banyak.. LOL
menangis pompuan dlm gambar tu klu tgk lukisan ko
haha.. aku da menanges dlu, LOL
nway thx for droppin by
Surie!! I don't know you can draw!! It looks can definitely draw!! I love painting though..
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