Tuesday, May 20

Dear Suerie..

Beh : give urself a chance to love, be loved and be in love again, and again, and again
Beh : sorry la surie
Beh : he's not worth even a drop of ur tears
Beh : ouh surie...
Beh : who knows he might put those picture just to see ur response
Beh : and well, he got it, kan
Beh : beh
Beh : u have to be strong
Beh : kalau dier bleh sekering2 ati buat kau camni,
Beh : kau pon kene kering ati gak
Beh : leave him, betol2 leave him for good
Beh : no more sms-es, no more articles about broken-hearted or about him
Beh : no more dreams walau di dalam tidur atau jaga
Beh : beh, skarang one thing yg sgt2 clear.
Beh : u ada banyak OPTIONS
Beh : he's not worth it my dear
Beh : u're a good person, u deserves someone better
Beh : dan kalau kau trus percaya yg kau ni a good person, insyaAllah, kau akan dpt pengganti yg jauh lebih baik
Beh : aku percaye kau akan dpt yg lebih baik
Beh : kau pon mesti percaye gak
Beh : ye?

Alrite then beh, i wont write about those things anymore (try to), promise! This entry is just as a reminder for me, so that everytime i feel like wanna write about "it".. i'll think twice and will hold back. Clearly, being as stupid as I already be (blinded) is not gonna help me out dear Suerie, thanks beh for being so supportive and thanks for ur advises! *smooch*

(this part has been added on May 23rd)
Aritu aku onda fon ngan member lama aku, Dosh.. classmate mase kt matriks dlu. Mase beburak dengan dier, terpancul statement neh dari mulot aku.. "Kan besh kalo ade remote control yg bole fast forward time so that i could skip this kind of period.. *gelak*" and Dosh dengan selambe jegh jawab.. "ada.. cume tak bole nak fast forward je, just fast backward jegh.. hehe". Cehh.. tu flashback nama nye *straight face*

Lantas dier suh aku layan lagu Kesepian by Dygta.. bleghh

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Blogger Ija Leibrandt said...

ija sangat SOKONG.. ija taw suerie kuat mcm ija jugak kuat... kiter mesti kuat menentang alien2 itu.. jgn bg alien2 itu taw kite sebenarnya xkuat n sedey.... biar dier taw, kalo dier bley happy kiter lg 10kali ganda bley happy TANPA dia.... syg cik suerie saye!!!

May 20, 2008 11:21 PM  
Blogger Sexy.Chewbacca said...

It's hard, thats why you should occupy yourself.

Pegi volunteer yourself buat kerja amal. Haha!

May 21, 2008 11:27 AM  
Blogger Aku A-Z-Z-U said...

makeover beh. makeover! :)

p/s: ai x sabar ;*

May 21, 2008 12:30 PM  
Blogger Suri said...

to ija:
luv u too! *hugs*

to ally:
beramal dgn diri sendiri bole can be considered as beramal tak? can can? :D

to beh:
gaining "asset" time.. haha! more "curvy" depan blakang?? hahaha

May 22, 2008 6:07 PM  
Blogger Jsmn said...

babe. we go through this kind of phase at least once in our lives. i've been there and it was not at all pretty. but i take it as a sign from Allah that he was definitely not for me. macam kena sepak la dia punya bagitau tu. it cuts deep. but it will heal, all you need is time.

we're here for each other, your friends and online buddies. hehe

May 23, 2008 6:08 PM  
Blogger Suri said...

online buddies *gelak tergolek*

mmg pun.. some more aku rs (bkn rase.. mmg pasti) isu aku di sini kecik jegh, nothing much. its just a tiny matter compared to others nye prob which are much more way complicated than mine.

thx to God, aku ade kawan2 mcm korang sume.. tak kesah la in realiti or virtually, asalkn bkn fake friends. so everytime im about to fall, aku punya byk kawan yg bole aku berpaut.. so min, leh aku berpaut kat ko tak? *sengih*

May 23, 2008 6:21 PM  
Blogger dust said...

heee...i'm speechless. =)

May 24, 2008 1:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny how a stranger like me would understand almost 100% wut u were going through.

I just wonder... do u look for certain friends to lean your shoulder on, or u don't care whoever that person is? because u know something. girls are all the same. girls get jealous. just like u. have u ever thought that someone, someheart, out there, is loathing u, hating u, despise-ing u for doing that. have u ever thought that she would go through what u are going through?
U dont care... do u?
friends are friends. sure. but theres a limit. and as a girl,who is supposedly understand another girl's feeling, u shoudve known your limit.
I mean........ I'm sure u have...
anyway, no offense. I'm just saying.
all the best in your new relationship!

January 10, 2009 9:38 PM  
Blogger Suri said...

dear stranger, thanks for reminding me bout tht. *smile*

"U dont care.. do u?"

wow, auchh.. thts quite harsh. dont worry my dear, if u're saying this based on wht u've read from wht ive wrote in my previous comment, well i do understand why u came up with this kind of assumption. just read between the lines, i wasnt serious about wht ive said seh, i was only teasing, my dear :)

nway, i find it quite funny when u said u're a stranger bcoz by congratulating me on my 'new relationship' doesnt make u sound like one.. isnt that weird? :)

January 12, 2009 10:36 AM  

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