Good vs Bad
Someone popped up this Q to me last few months ago, "Do u think I'm a bad guy, Suerie?" and I answered him by asking him back, "OK let me ask u something, if seseorang tu tak terlibat dengan drugs, women, alcohol.. can we simply consider that person as a GOOD person?". OK, if a person done all the 3 things that I've stated previously, I also cannot say that person is a BAD guy right? But from the standpoint of society, he is. See, could you simply define what a "good person" really is? Actually we're the one who define a good person, it's the truth. The deeper question is what shapes a person's perception of truth?
We always believe in things that we can see and not the other way round usually (please exclude hal-hal keagamaan). We usually judge people, some would interpret this as accepting everyone regardless of facts. In short, its ok to have a 1st impression about people but dont pass judgement on them. Kadang-kadang apa yang kita nampak tak semestinya seperti yang kita nampak. Zahiriahnya pijak semut pun tak mati tapi kat belakang kengkawan, masyaAllah. Some wear "being good" like a coat and the great thing about this kind of scenario is that eventually the winds of life will become forceful enough to blow that "coat" off and you will have a plain view of their true colours.
So berbalek to soalan kawan aku tu, aku terpikir who am I to classify him as a GOOD or a BAD guy? And what moral and ethical standards should I uphold? Bak kata orang tua-tua, berkawan tu biarlah memilih. Memang, kita memang kena memilih, pilih nak ikut aspek yang positif or negatif. As for me, aku berkawan dan kenal orang tu as individual, hal-hal private life masing-masing itu hal masing-masing and as friend bukanlah aku duduk saja berkawan kosong. A GOOD friend will be supporting your back, be the best listener ever, menjadik bantal empuk time-time tengah frustrated, cry with you and laugh with you BUT a GREAT friend will tells you what have you done wrong and tegur segala salah silap kita so that we could be a better person from day to day. Tak gitu? Memang sometimes kita slalu ucapkan perkara-perkara yang kawan kita nak dengar as penyejuk hati but then bak kata seseorang kat blog dia (i-know-u-know-who-am-i-referring-to kan kan pakcik?), "kenkadang mmg tugas kengkawan untuk bagik a slap on the knees.. or even to the face". (this phrase is originally from his entry)
OK jap.. apa point aku tulis pepanjang ni tadi? Oh gosh.. malas dah nak berpikir, sok sok sambung boleh? By the way, aku malas nak go through what I've wrote just now so if ayat tunggang terbalek, just ignore it first. Sekian..
We always believe in things that we can see and not the other way round usually (please exclude hal-hal keagamaan). We usually judge people, some would interpret this as accepting everyone regardless of facts. In short, its ok to have a 1st impression about people but dont pass judgement on them. Kadang-kadang apa yang kita nampak tak semestinya seperti yang kita nampak. Zahiriahnya pijak semut pun tak mati tapi kat belakang kengkawan, masyaAllah. Some wear "being good" like a coat and the great thing about this kind of scenario is that eventually the winds of life will become forceful enough to blow that "coat" off and you will have a plain view of their true colours.
So berbalek to soalan kawan aku tu, aku terpikir who am I to classify him as a GOOD or a BAD guy? And what moral and ethical standards should I uphold? Bak kata orang tua-tua, berkawan tu biarlah memilih. Memang, kita memang kena memilih, pilih nak ikut aspek yang positif or negatif. As for me, aku berkawan dan kenal orang tu as individual, hal-hal private life masing-masing itu hal masing-masing and as friend bukanlah aku duduk saja berkawan kosong. A GOOD friend will be supporting your back, be the best listener ever, menjadik bantal empuk time-time tengah frustrated, cry with you and laugh with you BUT a GREAT friend will tells you what have you done wrong and tegur segala salah silap kita so that we could be a better person from day to day. Tak gitu? Memang sometimes kita slalu ucapkan perkara-perkara yang kawan kita nak dengar as penyejuk hati but then bak kata seseorang kat blog dia (i-know-u-know-who-am-i-referring-to kan kan pakcik?), "kenkadang mmg tugas kengkawan untuk bagik a slap on the knees.. or even to the face". (this phrase is originally from his entry)
OK jap.. apa point aku tulis pepanjang ni tadi? Oh gosh.. malas dah nak berpikir, sok sok sambung boleh? By the way, aku malas nak go through what I've wrote just now so if ayat tunggang terbalek, just ignore it first. Sekian..
Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Prisoner of Thoughts
"Kadang-kadang apa yang kita nampak tak semestinya seperti yang kita nampak". I always think that people are just like an iceberg, what you really see actually is a small percent of the whole thing.
Very thoughtful post suerie!
drugs, women, alcohol.. baru 3 ja tu. apa lg 1 utk cukupkan 4? ;)
nway William Glasser ada kata;
"good or bad, everything we do is our best choice at that moment."
to chucky:
uhhuh true.. we always tend to narrow our mind to look at one perspective only while the rest will be ignored, usually is like tht kan.. aku pn tak terkecuali gak, after all kita ni tetap normal human being yg tak larik dr kesilapan kan.. woceh woceh hehe :)
to am:
see.. sbb tu at the end of the entry i said ignore jegh sebarang typo ke pe, haha! actually i've left out 'killing' as the 4rd point, terpikir mase mengarang tp tak list out skali mase typing, human error pardon me :)
rasanya dadah, sex dan alkohol akan bermula dgn niat. tp membunuh adakalanya bole berkalu tanpa niat. so payah nak kira sbg totally 'bad' tu ;)
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