Slow Me Down & Show Me How
Just read through the lyrics ok, maybe you will see yourself in it, who knows.. because I did. Well, here are some cool facts regarding on this song that I've copycat from some reviews made by others.

Cool huh? Next - I want to download another song from her titled Falling. Hopefully it wont disappoint me. And oh ya, sorry for keep on posting lyrics here because currently I'm updating my playlist. So harap bersabar dan harap maklong! By the way, Emmy Rossum is very pretty, isnt she? (and her gorgeous hair.. and and her blushy cheeks.. and and her lusty lips.. kan kan? gila best! *sigh*)"..the song 'Slow Me Down' is the perfect example of how beautiful music can be when Rossum uses her voice to replace the usual instruments. Rossum sings every single one of the 150 parts and harmonies of "Slow Me Down", including some of the percussion! It sounds wonderful and very serene, and listening to it makes you want to relax and slow down a little.."

Slow Me Down by Emmy Rossum
Rushing and racing and running in circles
Moving so fast I'm forgetting my purpose
Blur of the traffic is sending me spinning
Getting nowhere
My head and my heart are colliding chaotic
Pace of the world I just wish I could stop it
Try to appear like I've got it together
I'm falling apart
Save me
Somebody take my hand and lead me
Slow me down
Don't let love pass me by
Just show me how
Cause I'm ready to fall
Slow me down
Don't let me live a lie
Before my life flies by
I need you to slow me down
Sometimes I fear that I might disappear
In the blur of fast forward I falter again
Forgetting to breathe
I need to sleep
I'm getting nowhere
All that I've missed I see in the reflection
Pass me while I wasn't paying attention
Tired of rushing, racing and running
I'm falling apart
The noise of the world is getting me caught up
Chasing the clock and I wish I could stop it
Just need to breathe
Somebody please
Slow me down
Labels: Music
You know that she's an actress right?
Anyway..did u realise she looks like Kiera Knightly?
Where is that list I told u to do?? The snog-worthy list..
( dissapointed)
Kamu..dengar juga satu band called She & Him..I think u might like this type of song. :D
uhhuh.. seriously shiet she looks like Kiera Knightly!
btw uhhuh i know she's an actress coz i did google-ed for her bground, and suprisingly dia ada blakon grey's anatomy seh.. aku langsung x perasan, if im not mistaken dlm first few episode or 1st episode je kot.
oh ah err.. list? oh ah.. *bebuat lupa*
She & Him? You & I? baek baek.. haha, thx!
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