Lame Luck
friend: how u doing?
suerie: ok
suerie: slept very early lately
suerie: like.. by 9 went to bed already
friend: eh? cause u need to wake up early to chit chat with him?
suerie: no la
suerie: he's away till thursday... remember?
suerie: usually if im lazy to think about anything, i'll just go to sleep
friend: looks like u have alot of things in ur mind...?
friend: i thought u should be happy now...
friend: at least one of ur big misery is solved..
suerie: big misery?
suerie: wht is tht?
suerie: LOL
friend: err...u should know...cause u were really bothered by it at one time
suerie: aiyah, life is not only about THAT maa
suerie: we're all human.. semua ada saja prob maa
suerie: thrs no such thing as P E R F E C T
suerie: :p
friend: well..all these while..u seems like u r a sunshine...
suerie: haha.. ala nothing much la
suerie: ppl just like to complain.. thts all :P
friend: seems that people like to approach u to tell u their side of the story
friend: cause u r like a sunshine
TISL - this is so lame! Lame - referring to myself
ANYWAY, lately am out of LUCK! "Chill Suerie.. chill!" - consulting diri sendiri memang 'kepakaran' aku. Tapi kadang-kadang tak larat jugak. Maka dengan itu, setiap kali malas nak berpikir pasal hal sekeliling, setiap kali tu jugak la aku akan 'sembunyi' - pejam mata rapat-rapat and tidur! Hiatus-ing my mind for temporary OR - just take a pencil, find a piece of paper and start sketching like a PRO.. LOL! Tapi hasil tak pernah nak TERBAIK which I don't care at all!
p/s: Please don't ask me who is that girl in my sketching, aku lukis random jegh. Lets call her Ms Randomness, shall we?
ANYWAY, lately am out of LUCK! "Chill Suerie.. chill!" - consulting diri sendiri memang 'kepakaran' aku. Tapi kadang-kadang tak larat jugak. Maka dengan itu, setiap kali malas nak berpikir pasal hal sekeliling, setiap kali tu jugak la aku akan 'sembunyi' - pejam mata rapat-rapat and tidur! Hiatus-ing my mind for temporary OR - just take a pencil, find a piece of paper and start sketching like a PRO.. LOL! Tapi hasil tak pernah nak TERBAIK which I don't care at all!
p/s: Please don't ask me who is that girl in my sketching, aku lukis random jegh. Lets call her Ms Randomness, shall we?

Labels: Art Attack, Bubbles In The Air
haha i like this one. its so me :D
erm.. help, am feelin down today!
friend: seems that people like to approach u to tell u their side of the story
friend: cause u r like a sunshine
errrr....d gurl i dont know who....but...the guy i think i know who....wahahaha...
to ija:
ala comel! *hug*
to maz:
hep, shadap yu! ;p
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