How's Life Treating You?

Everyday is a new day
I’m thankful for every breath I take
I won’t take it for granted
Alive by POD
Lona, a close friend of mine just got back from Mecca this morning. Her company sponsored a trip for Umrah for the whole team. Wow, isn't she lucky? Alhamdulillah, rezeki nak kahwin agaknya, she's getting married in June, just another 1 month plus more to go. Supposely aku jadi pengapit dia but then, in the very last minute, I've changed my mind and asked her not to rely on me as I'm afraid that I couldn't come to her wedding sebab clashing dengan wedding Boboy, cousin sebelah mak. Anyway, bertuahnya badan punya peluang menadah tangan dan berdoa sendiri di hadapan Kaabah rumah Allah, kan? Agak terharu when she told me, "Jangan risau Suerie, aku ada doakan untuk kau. Aku doa kat depan pintu Kaabah, supaya kau dipertemukan jodoh yang baik. Aku tak lupa sebut nama kau, jangan risau OK?". Oh dear, thank you so much!!! It really means alot to me, love you mucho! I'm touched..
Oh ya, just now a friend buzz me at YM and said, "There is..". Actually he was referring to my YM status, I wrote - There's nothing absolute. Then, I quickly replied back "OK, please exclude God and akhirat thingy. What I meant here is in our life, nothing is guaranteed". "How's life treating you anyway?", another question popped out from him. "Well, some treating me good.. some are not :) ". Yesterday another friend of mine asked me something, something that related to the title of my entry. "Have you ever feel that you have given so much efforts but never get the right amount back?" and I said, "Well, I've heard this somewhere - Everything in this world is only material. Don't give 100% on anything as there's no guarantee and nothing is absolute in this world." He paused for a while and said, "I guess.. when we give out something.. we shouldn't expect for any return.. is that it? But it's kinda sad that you know you have given out 110% of something but the return is not even 50%. Sometimes it makes you think whether it's worth it or not.. hurm".
Well, I asked him to read between the lines of what I've said previously. Personally I believe that, it's not that we need to stop putting hope on something after so much efforts that we have given to it BUT we need to know up to what extend we can keep on hoping. Not everything follows according to what we have planned, aite? Sometimes it goes off track and sometimes, with God's will.. everything will be running smoothly. It's like riding a bike. Everyone falls off and scrapes their knees sometimes. After all, sh*t happens, kan?
Oh ya, just now a friend buzz me at YM and said, "There is..". Actually he was referring to my YM status, I wrote - There's nothing absolute. Then, I quickly replied back "OK, please exclude God and akhirat thingy. What I meant here is in our life, nothing is guaranteed". "How's life treating you anyway?", another question popped out from him. "Well, some treating me good.. some are not :) ". Yesterday another friend of mine asked me something, something that related to the title of my entry. "Have you ever feel that you have given so much efforts but never get the right amount back?" and I said, "Well, I've heard this somewhere - Everything in this world is only material. Don't give 100% on anything as there's no guarantee and nothing is absolute in this world." He paused for a while and said, "I guess.. when we give out something.. we shouldn't expect for any return.. is that it? But it's kinda sad that you know you have given out 110% of something but the return is not even 50%. Sometimes it makes you think whether it's worth it or not.. hurm".
Well, I asked him to read between the lines of what I've said previously. Personally I believe that, it's not that we need to stop putting hope on something after so much efforts that we have given to it BUT we need to know up to what extend we can keep on hoping. Not everything follows according to what we have planned, aite? Sometimes it goes off track and sometimes, with God's will.. everything will be running smoothly. It's like riding a bike. Everyone falls off and scrapes their knees sometimes. After all, sh*t happens, kan?
Sometimes I wonder if anything's absolute anymore.
Is there still right and wrong?
Good and bad?
Truth and lies?
Or is everything negotiable, left to interpretation, grey.
Sometimes we're forced to bend the truth, transform it.
Cause we're faced with things that are not of our own making.
And sometimes things simply catch up to us.
** taken from One Tree Hill
Labels: Prisoner of Thoughts, Word Puzzles
tree hill yang which episode ah
hurmm berbual ngan aku kan. kan kan kan. hehe. :P
to lieya:
im not sure which episode seh.. petik from their website
to domot:
domot?? u're reading my blog? haha.. nasib baik x mengumpat ko kan kat sini ;p
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