Silly Suerie
Melt.. Melt!
Banyak pulak lagu comel sekarang ni, for instance: 1234 by Plain White T's. This song is everywhere now, I mean no matter which radio station you tuning to, you will find this song spinning. Well, I don't have a problem with that because because because (berbunyi gedik) you know what, I love this song the very the muchies! *grin*
(moving my body side to side while listening to this song)
Oh ANYWAY last night, I had this silly dream. I dreamt of a softball player, a stranger out of nowhere. Scene adalah di tepi padang, and there was a softball player swinging his bat in the middle of the field. And then, out of sudden this guy came to me and spilled out all his problemo. Eventho agak weird, tapi maybe sebab ni mimpi yang tak pernah ada logik behind it, maka I was just doing my job, comforting him whatsoever. Suddenly, scene berubah, bukan lagi di tepi padang, tiba-tiba dah kat rumah mana ntah but watak masih sama, me and the softball player. Scene ni yang best ni because suddenly he took my hands and told me that he would like me to meet his parent (WOW, so fast!). He said he fell for me as I always there when he needed someone. (Err OK.. I think I've heard this part somewhere, have I?) ANYWAY, yang paling tak boleh blah ialah kenapa aku tiba-tiba dalam keadaan baru lepas mandi, dengan rambut basah and sedang berkemban dengan towel???? Perosak suasana! Tu la orang cakap, mimpi tak selalu indah. (@#$^*#)
Sedang elok-elok layan mamat tu berbunga-bunga bahasa, aku terjaga pulak. Urgh, tak best! I even tried to put myself back to sleep, but seems like it doesn't work as there was a voice inside my head yelling at me "WAKE UP AND GO TO WORK!". Again, (@#$^*#)
Another pointless entry and pointless dream, tapi mimpi Wani lagi cool, LOL! Tapi kan, kenapa mesti softball player??? Am I missing any of 5th college softball players during Uni time?? *ding ding*
And another pointless things to do is: SPW - self-photo whoring, LOL! Oh God, TISL (this is so lame)!
Banyak pulak lagu comel sekarang ni, for instance: 1234 by Plain White T's. This song is everywhere now, I mean no matter which radio station you tuning to, you will find this song spinning. Well, I don't have a problem with that because because because (berbunyi gedik) you know what, I love this song the very the muchies! *grin*
(moving my body side to side while listening to this song)
Oh ANYWAY last night, I had this silly dream. I dreamt of a softball player, a stranger out of nowhere. Scene adalah di tepi padang, and there was a softball player swinging his bat in the middle of the field. And then, out of sudden this guy came to me and spilled out all his problemo. Eventho agak weird, tapi maybe sebab ni mimpi yang tak pernah ada logik behind it, maka I was just doing my job, comforting him whatsoever. Suddenly, scene berubah, bukan lagi di tepi padang, tiba-tiba dah kat rumah mana ntah but watak masih sama, me and the softball player. Scene ni yang best ni because suddenly he took my hands and told me that he would like me to meet his parent (WOW, so fast!). He said he fell for me as I always there when he needed someone. (Err OK.. I think I've heard this part somewhere, have I?) ANYWAY, yang paling tak boleh blah ialah kenapa aku tiba-tiba dalam keadaan baru lepas mandi, dengan rambut basah and sedang berkemban dengan towel???? Perosak suasana! Tu la orang cakap, mimpi tak selalu indah. (@#$^*#)
Sedang elok-elok layan mamat tu berbunga-bunga bahasa, aku terjaga pulak. Urgh, tak best! I even tried to put myself back to sleep, but seems like it doesn't work as there was a voice inside my head yelling at me "WAKE UP AND GO TO WORK!". Again, (@#$^*#)
Another pointless entry and pointless dream, tapi mimpi Wani lagi cool, LOL! Tapi kan, kenapa mesti softball player??? Am I missing any of 5th college softball players during Uni time?? *ding ding*
And another pointless things to do is: SPW - self-photo whoring, LOL! Oh God, TISL (this is so lame)!

Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Chill Out, Giggly Me, Music
thank you, dear teacher!
this is you?
giler hawt!
uhhuh.. no one else but suerie, LOL
but u're much way hawt-er these days, arent u suessy? kan? ;p
omg best..the dream. hence the photos?
hahahah :*
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