
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you, dear Sir!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you, dear Sir!
Happy Birthday to you
*hugs and smoochies*
Selamat hari ulangtahun yang ke-38.. eh ke-28, sayang! *grin*
And I've a suprise for you, sayang! I'll snap a picture of "it" tomorrow, OK? Only the picture la but you wouldn't get the real "picture" of "it" ofcoz, LOL! Nama pun suprise kan *wink* but I don't know whether you'll like "it" or not, hopefully you do. :)
Again, Happy Birthday to you! Wish you many years of happiness, err ok not many years but endless happiness ofcoz. Wish you best of luck in your beloved career, yes I know that you really love your job totally. And I would like you to know that I'm trying my best to be as supportive as I could. Dan ucapan seterusnya, akan bersambung di email sahaja.. ehem! ;P
And one more thing before we forgot, it's our 3rd month! Mohon dengan sangat Dia makbulkan hajat hati *smile*. Owh ya, about the sketch.. sorry if it's too childish yer, hehe!
Your dearest binguks.
*laga-laga hidung macam dalam sketch*
p/s: esok baru anta email sebab esok baru nak snap gambar "itu" :)
Selamat hari ulangtahun yang ke-38.. eh ke-28, sayang! *grin*
And I've a suprise for you, sayang! I'll snap a picture of "it" tomorrow, OK? Only the picture la but you wouldn't get the real "picture" of "it" ofcoz, LOL! Nama pun suprise kan *wink* but I don't know whether you'll like "it" or not, hopefully you do. :)
Again, Happy Birthday to you! Wish you many years of happiness, err ok not many years but endless happiness ofcoz. Wish you best of luck in your beloved career, yes I know that you really love your job totally. And I would like you to know that I'm trying my best to be as supportive as I could. Dan ucapan seterusnya, akan bersambung di email sahaja.. ehem! ;P
And one more thing before we forgot, it's our 3rd month! Mohon dengan sangat Dia makbulkan hajat hati *smile*. Owh ya, about the sketch.. sorry if it's too childish yer, hehe!
Your dearest binguks.
*laga-laga hidung macam dalam sketch*
p/s: esok baru anta email sebab esok baru nak snap gambar "itu" :)
Labels: Cookies, Matters of Heart
tenkiu beday aku lmbt lg. ekekeke..suwit la weh.
err.. perasan? ;p
suwit giler kamu ni sue.. :)
hati tgh berbunge mmg camni kn? hehe~~ doa yg terbaik utk kamu...
buah hati ye surie..
jgn lupa jemput ye kalo dah sampai seru nanti
to dyana:
amin! thanks :)
to kak yuz:
kalo ade jodoh, insyaAllah
suerie.. sudah ade bling bling yahhh.. nanti story mory kehh
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