Take A Shot

This is something that I have been wanting to write for some time - Solero Space Shot: Take A Shot. And what is it all about? Well, I'll update this entry soon, still tengah buat karangan panjang ni :)
**this part has been added on May 22, 2009**
After a week, I still haven't update this entry yet as promised. I will but I can't promise when is that.. it could be by end of this week, OR by early of next week, OR next month.. OK, I don't know, I just can't tell yet. I guess I need an interpreter, a brain interpreter to interprete thoughts and ideas into wording so it could help me to speed up the process of 'mengarang'.. kan senang? Anyway, recently I watched an Indonesian film called "Cinta Itu Merah". Sama sekali aku blur dengan jalan cerita and dialog-dialog dia, maybe sebab terlampau.. puitis? Ah nevermind. But then, there's one part that really caught my attention.. puisi yang di'dialog'kan oleh watak Raisa towards the end of the story.
youtube: Cinta Itu Merah
youtube: Cinta Itu Merah
Tidak selalu kegelapan
yang menghantarkan seseorang pada kematian
Kadang kilatan cahaya juga menyesatkan
dan menghantarkan pada ketiadaan, pada kematian..
Kematian cuma rekayasa pikiran
Kerna bila kita ingin kematian, silakan hidup..
Tapi bersembunyi dari merahnya cahaya
Gue udah lelah bersembunyi
Gue siap menghadapi cahaya itu
Dan kali ini gue ngak mungkin tersesat
bahkan dalam gelap sekalipun
Labels: Prisoner of Thoughts, Word Puzzles
Don't tell me u ride this o__o
shhhhhhh.. just wait and see ;p
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