Monday, June 29


Mayday mayday!!!

It's freaking MONDAY! Haih kenapa hari ni hari ISNIN?? An annoying answer yang terpikir sendiri:
"Sebab hari ni bukan hari Selasa? Err.. kan?" ^*(&%#@!

OK, tak kelakar! *humph*

Baiklah, lets watch this clips and hopefully it will helps to chase away our Monday blues, shall we? Now this is what we call CREATIVE, sangat cool OK!

Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie

Sun been down for days
A pretty flower in a vase
A slipper by the fireplace
A cello lying in its case

Soon she's down the stairs
Her morning elegance she wears
The sound of water makes her dream
Awoken by a cloud of steam
She pours a daydream in a cup
A spoon of sugar sweetens up

And she fights for her life
As she puts on her coat
And she fights for her life on the train
She looks at the rain as it pours
And she fights for her life
As she goes in a store
With a thought she has caught by a thread
She pays for the bread and she goes...
Nobody knows

Sun been down for days
A winter melody she plays
The thunder makes her contemplate
She hears a noise behind the gate
Perhaps a letter with a dove
Perhaps a stranger she could love

And she fights for her life
As she puts on her coat
And she fights for her life on the train
She looks at the rain as it pours
And she fights for her life
As she goes in a store
Where people are pleasently strange
And counting the change and she goes...
Nobody knows.. Nobody knows..

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Anonymous strange said...

lagu ni jadik alarm clock wa sejak tahun lepas. patut ah malas nak bangun hahhaha

p/s:Perhaps a letter with a dove
Perhaps a STRANGER she could LOVE


June 29, 2009 3:50 PM  
Blogger Suri said...

hello, lagu mcm ni set jadi alarm? memang tarik selimut la jwb nye LOL! wa nye tone for alarm clock lak lu boleh cucuk langit pepagi hari ala2 kat speedzone gitu *giggles*

p/s: another STRANGER? nahh..

June 29, 2009 4:04 PM  
Blogger chuck said...

This clip really make me smile! Omooo...this is so unique. And the songs...( nak dload album, it reminds me of Iron & Wine)

June 30, 2009 9:18 PM  
Blogger Suri said...

unique n creative.. kan?

oh Iron & Wine, the one tht u gave me egh? 11 Flightless Bird, American Mouth, which is sgt bahaya kalo dgr pepagi mcm ni sbb membuai-buai mcm nak tido hihi :D nway lyrics dia sgt poetrical

July 01, 2009 10:00 AM  

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