Global Spread

Just now one of my colleague told me that this morning ERA (radio station) made a random survey among their callers about Influenza H1N1 virus. Rupanya ada jugak warga Malaysia ni yang tatau tentang kewujudan virus H1N1 ni. Can you believe it? Aku tatau la orang tu duduk celah hutan mana, aku ni yang dicop as "tak mengambil tau hal semasa dunia" oleh Abah pun tau OK. Pengakuan ikhlas orang tu langsung tak boleh diterima.. haih!
And talking about H1N1, eventhough belum melibatkan kematian lagi kat Malaysia ni but still, the fact that almost everyday a new case has been confirmed positive for H1N1, it's scared enough to make us all worried. Yesterday, another case has been confirmed as H1N1, bringing the total number of cases in the country to 80. It spreading too fast to count now globally, Nauzubillah..
FYI, SMK Infant Jesus Convent is where my 4th sister's teaching. So she's now being quarantined at home for a week, poor her. Hopefully tader pape, amin! Scarry kan? Nak pergi memana pun takut, xspecially crowded places. Maybe we all should start to wear mask as precaution kalau nak pergi memana, xspecially for those who are taking public transportation to work. Perlu tak jadi paranoid tetime macam ni? For instance kan, right now I'm having runny nose and mild-fever.. should I become paranoid bertempat and go to see the doctor? Should I? Or adakah saya demam kerana I had too much durian? Hurmm.. *think hard*
Well, I think it is because of the durian.. and the weather
(Ya Allah, jauhilah aku dari segala penyakit berbahaya, amin!)
And talking about H1N1, eventhough belum melibatkan kematian lagi kat Malaysia ni but still, the fact that almost everyday a new case has been confirmed positive for H1N1, it's scared enough to make us all worried. Yesterday, another case has been confirmed as H1N1, bringing the total number of cases in the country to 80. It spreading too fast to count now globally, Nauzubillah..
Meanwhile, Johor has reported its first confirmed Influenza A (H1N1) case of a 19-year-old female student who returned from Melbourne via Changi Airport Singapore on flight SQ0238 on June 20..... Dr Robiah said the student’s 16-year-old brother and sister, 17, are studying at Sekolah Datuk Jaafar and SMK Infant Jesus Convent respectively.
quoted from The Star Online
FYI, SMK Infant Jesus Convent is where my 4th sister's teaching. So she's now being quarantined at home for a week, poor her. Hopefully tader pape, amin! Scarry kan? Nak pergi memana pun takut, xspecially crowded places. Maybe we all should start to wear mask as precaution kalau nak pergi memana, xspecially for those who are taking public transportation to work. Perlu tak jadi paranoid tetime macam ni? For instance kan, right now I'm having runny nose and mild-fever.. should I become paranoid bertempat and go to see the doctor? Should I? Or adakah saya demam kerana I had too much durian? Hurmm.. *think hard*
Well, I think it is because of the durian.. and the weather
(Ya Allah, jauhilah aku dari segala penyakit berbahaya, amin!)
Just FYI, the symptoms of H1N1 are:
- fever
- cough
- sore throat
- runny or stuffy nose
- body aches
- headache
- chills
- fatigue
Latest info on HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN NORMAL FLU and H1N1 FLU - taken from Chuck's blog

Labels: Prisoner of Thoughts
1: Orang yang tak tahu aper-aper A(H1N1) ni memang patut kene . Itulah orang kiter. Ignorant gile, yang diorang tahu bukak tv tengok drama citer ntah haper2 hal dunia memang tanak amik tahu. Yer sayer refer ader orang kat sini ok.Yer saya marah baca mende ni kalau aku dengar kat radio tadi BP aku boleh naik :-/ EMo Kan
2. It's good to be paranoid now.Pakailah mask kalau boleh. I like those fashionalble masks sangat cool!!!
3. Hope your sister is doing ok though
4. It's hard to differentiate normal flu dengan A(H1N1) sekarang, kalau dulu you can say kalau balik from oversea or having a contact dengan orang yang balik dari oversea. Tapi sekarang since everyone yang kena dah takder related dengan travelling, it's kinda hard to know wether the flu that you have is normal flu or not. Tengah cari dekat internet jugak macam maner nak differentiate this two flu according to symptoms ( some claims that A(H1N1) flu tu, jenis selsema kering, bukan runny nose like normal flu, and will cause sesak nafas sebab apparently paru-paru akan slowly penuh dengan liquid, this is how some of the victims die sebab sesak nafas kalau lambat amik treatment). The only thing you can do is, kalau takut and raser skeptical, pegi jer klinik and ask dr opinion wether tu flu biaser or A(H1N1).
this is what happened when a person from medical field voiced out her opinion.. LOL, kiddin :)
1- serious seh, bila ofismate aku cite tadi, i was like "waddaaa.."
2- kena beli mask kat japanese store yg trendy itu nampak gayanye
3- amin!
4- thats the thing.. i dont know how to differantiate between those two. let me know once u've found out k? takut la :( saya belum kawen lagi kotttt..
thanks surie for the info ;)
u're most welcome, ikim
take a gudcare of urself btw tau, kalo demam ke pe.. better check k?
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