Constant Babbling
Shoot! I heart this song so much! Someone posted this vid kat FB just now. Aku ingat lagi dulu Nizam tiaw aku sebab aku delete lagu ni lepas dia sent kat aku. Dia bising sebab aku layan pulak after baca lyrics lagu ni kat blog Beck.. LOL! Seriously, lagu ni macam trademark Beck.. dengar jegh, muncul muka dia dalam kepala ni! Zaman Beck emosi, LOL!
I think most of us agree that music somehow has its own magic way of bringing back memories. Like it has a feeling of the past with it. Whenever I listen to this song, it brings back old memories of when I heard it previously back in university, like I get connected back to the past where I can smells the perfume I had on, I can clearly remember how my room was, I feel exactly to how I did that day, I even cried once while listening to the song. Strange but true, for a few moments it actually feels like I'm back in the situation I've remembered. The flashback, it seems so real 'til it gives me goosebump.. gosh! How powerful a song can be - it can easily bring us down emotionally and cheer us up within a second.
I think most of us agree that music somehow has its own magic way of bringing back memories. Like it has a feeling of the past with it. Whenever I listen to this song, it brings back old memories of when I heard it previously back in university, like I get connected back to the past where I can smells the perfume I had on, I can clearly remember how my room was, I feel exactly to how I did that day, I even cried once while listening to the song. Strange but true, for a few moments it actually feels like I'm back in the situation I've remembered. The flashback, it seems so real 'til it gives me goosebump.. gosh! How powerful a song can be - it can easily bring us down emotionally and cheer us up within a second.
Have you ever heard a song from so long ago with so many memories tied to it that it made you cry?
And didn't you wish that you could go back into time when everything seemed so much simpler and carefree?
Those are songs that are the soundtrack of our lives...
the ones that bring back childhood memories,
best friends,
first love,
first heartbreak... the memories.
Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Music
The best song I ever listened!! I remember listening to this song on loop..ESPECIALLY lepas tengok cerita Closer. Damien Rice punya lagu memang sangat best :-D
kaaaannnn! :D
this is soooo true seh. the exact situation, the same year, FEELINGS especially kan.
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