Class semalam sangat AWESOME! Abang Fathul buat bidding session for our paintings. First time bid on paintings, tak tau pulak bidding session could be so 'syok', haha! Now I know why some people are willing to spend billions of money only for a painting. They feel connected to the painting or somehow there is a sentimental value that they might find 'inside' the painting. Auw, it is so true indeed. After yesterday class (last class.. too bad, so sad), I've learned to 'value' paintings more. I would do whatever it takes to own my favourite painting as well, just like yesterday. Aaaa nak tulis lagi tapi tak sempat berfikir. Sambung esok!

I own this! My FAV, yeay!
Labels: Art Attack, Chill Out
The last one is beaooootifooolllll!!! Surie kenapa tak cakap ader bidding,aku nak suruh ko bid untuk aku 'pout'
i've won the bid on tht painting for only RM5 OK, hihi! Lucky me sbb painting ni among the earliest yg kena bid, so sume org baru nak warming up time tu. Elok lps tu, bidding for other painting sume trus shoot up smpi RM30.. gila btul, haha! I almost bought another painting but diorang bid gegila kat painting tu, so i was like.. kk, taper.. i got my fav one. FYI, painting ni aku nak sangat2 sbb yang ni canvas aku sebenarnya.. haha! tgh syok2 calit-calit, suddenly as always, Abg Fathul tetiba suh switch places and lukis atas painting org lain plak so basically these are not our individual pantings la. But still, this one has a sentimental value to me sbb last touched up aku yg buat. :D
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