A Piece of "12 of Us"
Finally, I had a chance to play around with colours and brushes during 2nd session of Abang Fathul's class on last Saturday and FYI, this is my first attempt on painting (well, masa sekolah-sekolah tu lain cerita la OK). Abstract painting isn't really easy and never sounds easy to me but yet, I'm still proud of this 'some sort of artwork' that I've physically done and I'm fairly happy with the result considering it was my first. Plus, I had so much fun during the class because it could be considered as some kind of ice-breaking session la jugak kot, semua orang pun (there were 12 of us) asyik pecah gelak jegh sepanjang class tu. Hilang demam aku, huhu.
Anyway, here you go.. A PIECE of 12 ARTWORKS. Why did I say so? Because all of us were painting on one canvas and taraaa.. an artwork variation as you can see. :)
Anyway, here you go.. A PIECE of 12 ARTWORKS. Why did I say so? Because all of us were painting on one canvas and taraaa.. an artwork variation as you can see. :)
Life is a big canvas, throw all the paint on it as you can.
by Danny Kaye

credit: last two picture by Akim/Ikhwan
Labels: Art Attack, Chill Out
omg this is so lawa n interestinggggggggggg
what? or who.. who? me?? lawa and interesting??
OFCOURSE! haha.. kiddin!
nway diorang sume sangat cool habis, look like they dont hv any trouble with painting, unlike me. haih.. i felt so small seh dlm class tu (eventho im the tallest among the girls, LOL)
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