Mermaid Hair?

Painted this on August 8, 2009. Lets call this one "Swirl Hair Swirl". Imagine lain, end up jadi lain.. tak suka betul, haish! I almost painted it black once I've done with the painting. Plus I don't have the right tools/brushes for the details that I got in mind. Salute seh dengan Chuck's recent artwork, she's really good with this details thingy. Do check this out.. (click here)
Superb talented, isn't she? *thumbs up* Anyway, sorry.. I took this picture using my phone as my camera was out of battery and I was too lazy to slot a new one. Ada cop M besar kat dahi sekarang ni, PEMALAS I am.. hoho!
p/s: just got an idea for her next painting.. thanks COLDPLAY!! Pardon her if she's a little bit too much excited about paintings lately. Still on experimental mode she is :)
Superb talented, isn't she? *thumbs up* Anyway, sorry.. I took this picture using my phone as my camera was out of battery and I was too lazy to slot a new one. Ada cop M besar kat dahi sekarang ni, PEMALAS I am.. hoho!
p/s: just got an idea for her next painting.. thanks COLDPLAY!! Pardon her if she's a little bit too much excited about paintings lately. Still on experimental mode she is :)
Labels: Art Attack, Cookies
gyahaha. jauh beza ok. :P
aku out gila bab-bab painting ni. mewarna pakai pencil color, crayon or pastel boleh lah. :P
aik.. apa yg jauh beza shahril? camne ko leh tau apa yg aku imagine ni??? musykil seh ;p
nway.. try la buat, kot2 ko pun mantab mcm cousin ko si min tu.. :)
Aigooo..thanks to you Cik Surie. Tengok kamu punya painting make me to grab my brush and paint again. So thanks to you HUGS.
and mermaid hair painting, I'm feeling it!!! I dig the colour combination ^--^
ah jgn la begitu, anda buat muka saya 'panas', omoooo!
(comel la korean ni, hihi)
and i love the colours too!! someone asked me to play more with bright colours so taraaa. i want to paint a mermaid actually but then spt biasa, berpijak di bumi yg nyata tht im not good at doing details kalo bab2 paintings ni, sketch bole la. so akhirnya berputus asa di tgh jalan.. huhu
see see told ya its about the color!!
yer cik puan, baiklah! nanti saya lukis shocking pink, striking greenism, ok bebeh? ;*
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