Cold Hands and Feet
Gah! Tangan seram sejuk tak ingat, I'm so nervous right now. The result for "Fighting AIDS with Art" competition will be announced tomorrow at SACC Mall, Shah Alam. I still leading the online voting up till this afternoon, then swooosshh I'm down to 2nd place now.. LOL, too bad. If last time I didn't put so much hope (to be the Top 10) but this time, for real I really do hope that I'll be one of the Top 3, atleast. Wish me luck! Oh ya, mungkin ini sekadar benda kecil buat sesetengah pihak tapi bagi aku, it means a lot. Cukup.. :)
Bleghhhh, kupu-kupu dalam perut, tak sukaaaaa! T___T
Alhamdulillah, I won "Fighting AIDS with Art" competition. Lots of people wanna hear me say this, "This is the best birthday present ever this 2010", there you go ;p Thank you so much Ikin, Qiey, Maro and Fara for being there yesterday and again, heartiest thanks to each one of you, ya kamu semua.. families and friends for voting me. You guys have been superb supportive and awesome! May Allah bless all of you, amin.
Bleghhhh, kupu-kupu dalam perut, tak sukaaaaa! T___T
Alhamdulillah, I won "Fighting AIDS with Art" competition. Lots of people wanna hear me say this, "This is the best birthday present ever this 2010", there you go ;p Thank you so much Ikin, Qiey, Maro and Fara for being there yesterday and again, heartiest thanks to each one of you, ya kamu semua.. families and friends for voting me. You guys have been superb supportive and awesome! May Allah bless all of you, amin.

taken by: Farihan Mohamad
Labels: Art Attack, Giggly Me, Highlight
congratulations you deserve it;)
congrats suria! seronoknya~
Woooooot congratulation!!
MM, Ina, Chucky:
thanks and thank you to you too babes!! somehow i know the online voting really helps alot, so again THANKS TO YOU!!
dah lambat ni tp there's no harm kan nak ucap tahniah buat sueri :) canvas sueri skang apa jd? di galeri seni utk tatapan umum myb? nway napa blog seniuntukaids tu tiada update info terkini?
thanks am! :)
nway painting tu mmg ada dgn suerie, diorang just reprint from softcopy. nanti masa hari AIDS sedunia, diorang akan pamer lagi skali. and psal blog seniuntukaids tu, suerie tak bole nak jawab sbb bkn blog suerie ;p kena tanya organiser, Kamal Sabran :)
softcopy? maaf am ni xbrapa phm. nway nnti am buzz en kamal tu :)
pihak penganjur just mintak suri snap a photo of it (painting tu) and send it to them. so masa exhibition, diorang display yg print je, original painting mmg diorang tak mintak.
oo ok :)
Congratulation Surie =)
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