The Unfinished

on March 7, 2010 at Gravy Baby!
pictures taken by: OB Afandi
pictures taken by: OB Afandi
First attempt melukis atas dinding, still ongoing.
So, what have I learned from my first wall painting experience? First of all, melukis atas dinding lagi pressure dari melukis atas canvas, in term of saiz ruang dan perspektif. Second of all, melukis atas dinding orang lagi pressure dari melukis atas dinding bilik sendiri.
Honestly, ia tidak represent apa-apa. Just follow the polka dot concept which was done by Tri. I wish I could do something more symbolic and meaningful for Gravy Baby! but (sigh) I'm not that creative and very lack of new ideas.
So, what have I learned from my first wall painting experience? First of all, melukis atas dinding lagi pressure dari melukis atas canvas, in term of saiz ruang dan perspektif. Second of all, melukis atas dinding orang lagi pressure dari melukis atas dinding bilik sendiri.
Honestly, ia tidak represent apa-apa. Just follow the polka dot concept which was done by Tri. I wish I could do something more symbolic and meaningful for Gravy Baby! but (sigh) I'm not that creative and very lack of new ideas.
p/s: my first painting is officially SOLD, Alhamdulillah.
Labels: Art Attack, Chill Out
melukis atas dinding orang lagi pressure dari melukis atas dinding bilik sendiri
Lol so true!
yela kan, if sendiri yang punya and salah paint, anytime kita bole re-paint, start it all over again. ni dinding org kot. dari kul 1 lebih till 7 something, aku still tak siap2 lagi. gila tekanan.. haha!
coooollll bulat bulat
thanks to you, sbb bg opinion last time <3
omg suerie best gila tgk u lukis2 kat dinding tu.and u've sold ur own paiting??? *faint* i salute u bebeh! teruskan ur creativity tu!!
best but with the capital TERTEKAN, hahaha. terpikir mcm2 soalan yg org bakal tanya everytime datang kedai tu, "apa motif lukis ni, apa simbolik dia to Gravy Baby, does it brings any meaning or anything".. gosh! *fainted*
anyway, thanks for the support given! and you too babe with your anime, keep it up!!
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