"Annoying" Oranges

Alaaaaa, gambar I takde pun! Sob sob (mengada)
Oh by the way, ini gambar geng kat office and saya panggil diorang The Annoying Oranges, LOL! Kalau nak tau apa tu The Annoying Oranges, sila search kat YouTube keyword The Annoying Orange, ekeke ;p
OK lah, tu je saya nak update!
Oh by the way, ini gambar geng kat office and saya panggil diorang The Annoying Oranges, LOL! Kalau nak tau apa tu The Annoying Oranges, sila search kat YouTube keyword The Annoying Orange, ekeke ;p
OK lah, tu je saya nak update!
"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do"
quote by Walter Bagehot
quote by Walter Bagehot
Ttttapi Suri tak annoying pun!
are you sure that I'm not?
MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA >:) *gelak evil*
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