MD Chronology

This is how a pemalas blogger updates her entry. Photo stories aren't that bad, aite? Hehehe. Anyway, very glad my first attempt baking Red Velvet Cake turned out okay, just okay. I know, the frosting is very messy, muahaha and the taste is too sweet. Perhaps next time I should reduce the sugar I guess. Again, as what people always said, the effort that matters the most!
I'm not really good at expressing my feelings in words. So I guess this is one of the ways to show Mak how much I truly love her and appreciate all the things that she have done for us all this while. Happy Mother's Day, Mak.. SURI LOVES YOU VERY MUCH!!
And oh, saya tak tahu kenapa saya nampak sangat gelap di sini T__T
I'm not really good at expressing my feelings in words. So I guess this is one of the ways to show Mak how much I truly love her and appreciate all the things that she have done for us all this while. Happy Mother's Day, Mak.. SURI LOVES YOU VERY MUCH!!
And oh, saya tak tahu kenapa saya nampak sangat gelap di sini T__T
Labels: Cookies, Matters of Heart
ah just noticed spelling error: muscles! haha..
and yeay too! ;]
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