Monday, September 18

Lonely Day by System of a Down

tadi aku gi bwat follow-up kt UH, amek result for blood test n scan yg suppose aku gi few months ago..huhu! but then sbb bizik ngan thesis pekejadah sume, so this sem br gi UH. Last week, bole la plak cik yg kt kaunter tuh ckp diorg tersalah bwatkn appoinment tuk aku, coz doc yg aku nk jumpe tuh just available on monday morning jegh. abestu, takkan la aku nk balik jegh kan.. mau satgi mak aku yg tgh carik parking lg kt bwh tuh muler nk membingitkn tinge gwe neh.. adeh deh! so aku tanye jegh kalo2 leh amek report jegh dlu and bwat follow-up later ngn Dr. April tu kalo2 ade ape2 doktor uh nk terangkn. Alhamdulillah, seb baek leh amek report tuh jegh. Lepas berjam-jam tunggu smpi turn aku (biase la.. hospital kerajaan mmg berjam-jam) masuk2 jegh doc tuh kasik report yg diorg print out tuk aku. alahai.. setengah muke pon x sampai.. huhu! dalam report tuh bebunyik spt di bwh..

Impression: Right thyroid nodule
There is a large mixed echogenecity nodule in the right lobe measuring 2.7x1.2x1.8cm and another small hypoechoic nodule also seen in the right lobe measuring 0.4x0.4cm. and bla bla..

then doc tu ckp, kalo nodule tu xde effect ape2 then tayah bwat ape2, tayah operate.. but then if it is a cancer then kne la operate coz doc tu suspect aku ade thyroid cancer coz abah aku n uncle aku deduer pon pnah kne. mmg ade bengkak sket kt leher side kiri but dlu la, mase check tu but now dah decreasing in size. Doc tu suh aku dtg lg skali ari Isnin (arineh) tuk jmpe Dr April yg handle kes aku b4 neh. Cuak juger kn, riso la kalo btul cancer, kne operate?? adeh deh.. tamo tamo.. bole plak weekend baru neh dlm medic tv gi tunjuk psal thyroid cancer gak.. hampesness! cam tawu2 jegh kn.. *dush*! Tadi gi.. alhamdulillah doc tuh ckp everything's normal. Just dier advise every 6 months kne bwat blood test lg takot2 its become worst la.. in case! and my boring days continues..

jiwa kosong.. otak kosong.. pewut juger kosong.. huhu! *lapa*

Such a lonely day
And its mine
The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
Should be banned
It's a day that I can't stand

The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
Shouldn't exist
It's a day that I'll never miss

Such a lonely day
And its mine
The most loneliest day of my life

And if you go, I wanna go with you
And if you die, I wanna die with you

Take your hand and walk away

The most loneliest day of my life

Such a lonely day
And its mine
It's a day that I'm glad I survived

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