Im sinking.. pull me up!
It has been more than a month now since we broke up, yet I'm still missing u! H*ll..
Ya, gamba-gamba kamu still ada dalam purse orang.
Ya, gamba-gamba kamu still ada dalam phone orang.
Ya, gamba-gamba kamu still ada dalam FS/MS orang.
Honestly, I'm still crying over you almost everyday at nite.
Honestly, I'm still thinking of you every now and then.
Honestly, I'm always wanting us to be like we were used to be.. but I know, it's such a waste!
Like I've told to you before, I can't be JUST A FRIEND of yours at the moment. Maaf, orang tak cukup kuat and belum mampu lagi nak buat macam tu. It's not that I hate you but I just can't do it, I'm not ready yet. It might be easy for you to do so but it isn't for me. I need a space, I really need a good break and I need to mind our distance. I need more time to wipe off this two years of memories. It's gonna take for a quite some time. *sigh*
Ya, gamba-gamba kamu still ada dalam purse orang.
Ya, gamba-gamba kamu still ada dalam phone orang.
Ya, gamba-gamba kamu still ada dalam FS/MS orang.
Honestly, I'm still crying over you almost everyday at nite.
Honestly, I'm still thinking of you every now and then.
Honestly, I'm always wanting us to be like we were used to be.. but I know, it's such a waste!
Like I've told to you before, I can't be JUST A FRIEND of yours at the moment. Maaf, orang tak cukup kuat and belum mampu lagi nak buat macam tu. It's not that I hate you but I just can't do it, I'm not ready yet. It might be easy for you to do so but it isn't for me. I need a space, I really need a good break and I need to mind our distance. I need more time to wipe off this two years of memories. It's gonna take for a quite some time. *sigh*
Im sinking.. pull me up!
God, please help me and just let me out of this mess..
"...dan sesiapa yang bertaqwa kepada Allah, dengan mengerjakan suruhan-Nya dan meninggalkan larangan-Nya, nescaya Allah akan mengadakan baginya jalan keluar dari segala perkara yang menyusahkannya, serta memberinya rezeki dari jalan yang tak terlintas di hatinya. Dan ingatlah, sesiapa yang berserah diri bulat-bulat kepada Allah, maka Allah cukuplah baginya untuk menolong dan menyelamatkannya. Sesungguhnya Allah tetap melaksana segala urusan yang dikehendaki-Nya dan sesungguhnya Allah telah menentukan qadaq dan qadar bagi tiap-tiap sesuatu.."
..maksud ayat Seribu DinarLabels: Bubbles In The Air, Emo-nyet, Kalam
terima kasih suerie ayat seribu dinar ni mengubat resah di hati saya. :')
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