A Little Too IRONIC
A couple of days ago, suprisingly Wani buzzed me at ym.. hehe, ofcoz la suprise coz slalunya Wani bizik dengan keje2 dia and her status always stated something like "bizik, jgn kacau. kalo tidak saya tumbok perut kamu!". Cute jegh munyiknya kan, tak menggerunkan langsung haha. Nway Wani buzzed aku sebab dia nak inform psal clips performance dia kat YouTube. I've already watched one of her clips yesterday, she was so cute and so girly in skirty, grrr! (sorry Wani, tak sempat nak tinguk kelmarin) Seperti biase, Suddenly Lewat is one of my fav song out of all. Kalo la lagu Graviti version BM yang ditranslate by Wani bole dimainkan sewenang-wenangnya tanpa ade isu plagiat or whtsoeva, i'll bet that alot of ppl will luv to listen to tht song seriously. She's very talented indeed and hopefully she can goes further and further in this field, saba yer cik Wani.. just in a matter of time. Nway for those yang interested to check out her clips, just go to YouTube and search for Wani Ardy or go to www.myspace.com/waniardy to listen to her demo songs, check 'em out okay! Plus she will be having a live performance on 14th June, for further details just click on the flyers on my right sidebar. Do support our local music scene, oh yeah! (oh aku sangat poyo di sini.. haha)
And owh, forgot to mention about how IRONIC life is! Bcoz you know what, i've just found out that bestfriend Wani is a friend of Lieya which is a very close friend of mine. Haa.. pening tak bace ayat aku yang berbelit ni? Aku lagik pening mase 1st time Lieya cite aritu, haha! (nway, we called each other boo)
And owh, forgot to mention about how IRONIC life is! Bcoz you know what, i've just found out that bestfriend Wani is a friend of Lieya which is a very close friend of mine. Haa.. pening tak bace ayat aku yang berbelit ni? Aku lagik pening mase 1st time Lieya cite aritu, haha! (nway, we called each other boo)
Lieya : boo.. i met wani smlm!!!
Me : huh??? wani? cmne leh jmpe? kat mane? how... how??
Lieya : kt umah wa, shukor singgah.. dier seret wani skalik.. =))
Me : =))
Me : eh jap boo.. shukor tu sape?
Me : pe kne mengena wani ngan shukor? cmne leh hangout tugeder?
Lieya : shukor tu bestfriend wani rupenye.. :)) yg slalu perform ngan wani tu..
Me : lorh.. wht a very very very small world!! adoi :))
...conversation seterusnya terpakse dipotong sebab kami sudah banyak merepek and most of our convo mmg full of emote ym memanjang, muahaha! Nway ni bukan convo asal bcoz unfortunately aku tak set archive setting kat ym but most of it sounded cmtu la. Ekceli mende mcm neh dah banyak kali jadik, orang ni kawan dengan orang ni and orang ni knal orang ni. Pusing-pusing kat situ jugak, balek-balek muke yang sama jugak.. klaka btul, huhu. Mende yang sama jadik mase aku mula-mula knal Beck, Ono, Nazer, Jesse and sape-sape lagi ntah. Sume last-last end up being a friend of a friend of mine, macam chain plak.. society yang berantai. Ni sume gara-gara teknologi WEB 2.0 such as MySpace, Friendster, blogs and etc, membuatkan kita sume berada dalam society yang berantai. Macam petikan lyrics from Half Light by Athlete which is used to be my headline kat Friendster, it says:
Its you and me connected to a satellite
Its you and me love through a machine
Keep your eyes wide open and you'll see how IRONIC life is..
p/s: smlm mase tinguk clips Wani kat YouTube, aku layan satu clips ni dari Yuna title Polaroid (Oh Chentaku cover).. wow, beliyaw juger hebat.. clap clap!
Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Music, Prisoner of Thoughts
Looks like you're Wani's die hard fan. :p
Mesti mintak Wani some royalty fees ni. Hehe
Wani and Shukor are my ex-school mates and I don't think I've ever heard her song(s). Haha kesian Wani dpt kawan yang tak supporting like me. LOL
see!!! baru jegh ckp psal how IRONIC life is.. you ex-schoolmate diorg and bila i went thru ur blog, i've found out yg you pn kawan Merian (or Marian.. ala lupe plak nama btul iced). i've met Merian thru ym a few yrs ago.. makes my world even smaller now, lol..
btw if you havent yet, then you should check out her webbie that i've mentioned earlier. Saya ni peminat kecil-kecilan aje bah.. :D
(Wani.. royalty later pelis! i want cash ;p )
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