Pagik tadi giler la jam.. mak aih! Ingat nak skip kat NPE, masok-masok tol NPE perghh.. line up tak hengat! Im doomed oh NO! Hujan-hujan macam neh kalo stuck atas katil kan besh? How nice, heaven!! Tapi realitinya, aku stuck di dalam jam sambil menghela nafas yang tersekat-sekat sebab aku selsema.. biase la morning sindrom ku, snob snob! 2 3 minggu neh asek rase macam nak demam jegh tapi tak demam-demam jugak. Aihh kalo tak bole amek MC, ekekeke. Mebi musim agaknya, kejap hujan kejap panas and aku plak kejap bizik kejap free. Kalo time free, free la sesangat but then kalo bizik.. walaweh, sangat la exhausted ok! For the past 2 weeks, aku asek stay up jegh kejenye nak siapkan keje-keje aku yang menimbun. Eventho project baru jegh kick-off but then we only have 1 month to finish it up, so i need to fasten up a bit.. err alot actually! Stay up till 5:30am then tido kejap, pastu kul 9am bangun balek, celik-celik mata terus turn on lappy continued back doing my work.. M to the A to the D - i am tapi nak bwat camne, i need to.. just for the time being. Time-time camni la rase windu gile time-time study dulu, tayah pening-pening nak pk about year end appraisal, tayah pening-pening nak pk psal baya bills/kete/insurans/roadtax... uhhh! Owh ya, bercakap psal insurans and roadtax.. September nak kne renew, tayar pun dah nak kne ganti, M-A-T-I la I camni.. huahuahua! I need to raise a fund la macam ni, come come.. donate a few bucks to me, each of you! *wink*
Owh no.. im sick, uhuk uhuk.. demam demam, flu flu.. uhuk uhuk!!
Owh no.. im sick, uhuk uhuk.. demam demam, flu flu.. uhuk uhuk!!
p/s: this LAME drawing is done by me on yesterday eve but then tak bape clear sgt, biase la.. snap gune cokia nokia jegh and the words WORK WORK pun tak baper nak jelas, harap maklong!

Labels: Art Attack, Bubbles In The Air, Workplace
cik suerie ada bakat melukis..
dh gumuk ke blom anda?
haha.. soklan tu tnye taun dpn jegh la ija, neh nak puase dah sure kurus lik i neh.. ;p
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