Err, am confused whether fibre channel disk drives and fibre disk array are the same or not.. Are they? Hurm damn, this aint gonna work for me. H*ll, need to read through again one more time then.. or twice, or... I'll just rendam the notes and minom macam sup ekor so that all the info can melekat until when when and stuck still? Waaa I don't even drink sup ekor.. These server side and hardwares thingy has already begin to give me a headache. Taperlah, atleast banyak benda boleh belajar.. kan? Tu pun if aku manage to pickup, dengan firewall lagi, vpn, database side, vmware lagi and so forth.. gosh banyak la pulak kan. But then kalo tak camne? Oh my, then how.. the pressure starts to spread on either side *fainted*
And yeah, don't be too happy and hyperly excited once you have graduated from uni yer adek-adek (whereby some people just can't wait to get rid off their books and notes.. not me, ofcoz -_-"). FYI, the learning cycle is actually a never ending chapter seh. You'll keep on learning and learning, xspecially in the real 'working world'. Tapi ia bukanlah nitemare, jangan risau.. ini bukan mimpi ngeri, everyone need to go through the same phase, just kena sabar sikit (sabar banyak kot) sebab.... dalam dunia ni tader remote control untuk fast forward the time ;p
The conclusion is, if ada benda baru kena belajar, belajar jegh lah sungguh-sungguh.. tak payah lah gatal-gatal nak exercising your fingers by posting some 'luahan perasaan' entry kat blog macam aku.. sekian!
p/s: sketch yg malas, pensel yang tekan-tekan tu out of 'bullet' so gune pen.. disaster!
And yeah, don't be too happy and hyperly excited once you have graduated from uni yer adek-adek (whereby some people just can't wait to get rid off their books and notes.. not me, ofcoz -_-"). FYI, the learning cycle is actually a never ending chapter seh. You'll keep on learning and learning, xspecially in the real 'working world'. Tapi ia bukanlah nitemare, jangan risau.. ini bukan mimpi ngeri, everyone need to go through the same phase, just kena sabar sikit (sabar banyak kot) sebab.... dalam dunia ni tader remote control untuk fast forward the time ;p
The conclusion is, if ada benda baru kena belajar, belajar jegh lah sungguh-sungguh.. tak payah lah gatal-gatal nak exercising your fingers by posting some 'luahan perasaan' entry kat blog macam aku.. sekian!
p/s: sketch yg malas, pensel yang tekan-tekan tu out of 'bullet' so gune pen.. disaster!

Labels: Art Attack, Bubbles In The Air, Workplace
bwhahaha last paragraph trasa ;p
oh theres a hott geek there lu lukis
:x carrottop ka
i did said in the last para people 'LIKE ME'.. not 'LIKE seseorang', haish payah bila sume start terasa.. bahahaha!
paranoia everybody is ;p
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