Monday, January 26

Mixed and Match

I've been busy lately (typical excuse orang bekerjaya). Tak ada masa nak duduk and perah idea for blogging. BUT.. there is BUT, but I still have time for my part-time job as "Kaunter Luahan Perasaan" kengkawan. What are friends for aite? So here my ears for you so I could hear you.. and here is my heart but please don't tear it apart. OK, the last phrase tak ada kena mengena *giggles*

Guess what.. most of the time, idea untuk memblog ni selalunya datang bila kawan-kawan aku start bukak free "consultation" dengan aku. That is the absolute truth, nothing else but the truth. Kadang-kadang apa yang aku tulis or advise or respon during our conversation tu datang spontan and I will be like "Oh shoot, I should blog about this.. thanks A (bukan nama sebenar)". Then I will start to relate the issues that have been discussed or chat or whatevaness, with our real life and wallaaa.. another new entry for Ms Suerie's blog. By the way, to my dearly friends which YOUKNOWWHOYOUARE ofcourse.. thanks for the trust and believe that you guys have put on me. Well, like Chucky said, being a good listener and just being there for a friend are the best GIFT a person could offer to his/her friend. That's so true and I'm glad that my friends look up for me whenever they need a "Kaunter" to 'cry out' their problems. I really feel very appreciated in that way seriously. Thanks guys! *big hugs*

Anyway, Wani just posted the lyrics of her new song called Onion and Orange @Facebook. What a wonderful lyrics, macam comel jegh, hehe.. but I really got attracted by this part..

Will chemistry be on track?
Or will opposite attract?
Arguments, silly fights,
awkward moments that we had
and this is what I've commented on her Note..

Dont worry, tak banyak persamaan pun taper :)

Too much chemistry doesnt mean it's a good thing tho coz since our 'journey' of life is still too long to think and too far to imagine, along the way we will find that having too many things alot in common can be bored as well. So this is where the differences between you and ur 'other half' will play its role and will colour your life. So don't worry if too vary *smooch*

Plus, Tuhan kan jadikan kita berpasang-pasang untuk SALING LENGKAP-MELENGKAPI? read between the lines.. kan?

and Bella added up something..
Not because they are alike, but they are totally different..
and combining them, it makes them 'WHOLE'

Ala, so sweet.. macam lagu BSB lak, "What makes you different, makes you beautiful". So guys, lets play Mixed and Match.. shall we? *wink*

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

well said.
so now, what im gonna do is, find me a partner who is NOT a rockstar, less oblivious and NOT weird.


January 26, 2009 10:17 PM  
Blogger dust said...

ye tolong mix n match aku.

January 27, 2009 3:12 AM  
Blogger sisterofheaven said...


and i was expecting more from the blog writer's story..

aku lak yg malas nk update.. LOL!

January 27, 2009 7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have yet to find to 2 people who do not have a lot in common. we are all amazingly similiar, in strange, irrational, nonsensical & exciting ways.

we just (sometimes) doggedly follow our pride/ego & focus on differences in opinion(s) and/or the disagreements rather then the beautiful things that ties us all.

that plus the amzing nuances we all bring to life, makes loving & caring for just about anyone a matter of choice. we just have to choose to..

January 30, 2009 8:07 AM  
Blogger Suri said...

to boo:
NOT a rockstar and NOT weird? meaning that u're a rockstar and weirdo?? LOL.. ok got one in mind, come n buzz me.. let me intro kt lu ;p

to nasrah:
eh abg meon ada dah.. ok ah tu, LOL

to tinker Bell:
the blog writer's story? ahaa.. that one an exclusive story

to ...:
well said :)

January 30, 2009 3:02 PM  
Blogger dust said...

uih..spekulasi liar ni..
abg meon? so camne ni abg nk jawab skang. i rasa mcm artis lah. hahaha..

January 31, 2009 1:45 AM  
Blogger Suri said...

jawapan artis.. "kami hanya kawan"

January 31, 2009 5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

spekulasi? ape yg spekulasinye? memang dah mix pun, cuma match tu yg tidak tepat.

berbual face 2 face pun tak penah. tidak perlu gundah atas persepsi org lain. kan surie with an e?

oh ye. walau aku tua kutuk tidak sedarkan diri, sgtlah janggal bila org panggil abg. sila meonkan sahaja, kalau tidak keberatan. adik aku pun tak panggil aku abg..

February 01, 2009 4:21 PM  
Blogger dust said...

hahaha...mmg dasar tua kutuk x sedar diri. we are young and dangerous. ape lah aku merepek ini..

February 01, 2009 7:09 PM  

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