Dull, Dry and Boring?

Updated on October 17, 2009
with my CEO, Matt during Diwali celebration at his place
with my CEO, Matt during Diwali celebration at his place
Yesterday morning, me and the rest of my colleagues received an email from our CEO. An email that has cheered me up as I found it kinda funny, agak menggelikan hati. By the way, the email is regarding his suggestion to hold a futsal/badminton session and unexpectedly, looks like everybody is so excited about this thing since everyone was very responsive ding dong ding dong in the emails. My CEO, naturally he loves to tease people sarcastically but in a good way la of course. So, after he read all the replies, he sent out this email to everybody..
Dull, dry and boring???? Ha ha ha.. very funny! He's such a teaser, isn't he? But honestly, I love to have him around in the office, hilang sekejap tension kerja kalau dengar dia buat lawak, seriously. And he's very good at motivates people as well, he can simply twist our way of looking at something and brings us into a different perspective. Sangat berkarisma, that's what I like about him.
Ok ok, saya bukan memuji kerana mahu dinaikkan gaji ataupun because of I've been appointed as the Secretary General for the Sport Club (gila la, sounds like Kofi Annan punya jawatan for United Nations dulu, haha). Pujian saya ikhlas, tapi.. kalau dapat 3 months bonus this year pun seronok jugak kan? *cough*
Wah seronoknya ada monthly activity kat office (other than the Exchange session, which being held twice a month *sigh*). Oh I can't wait! Till then, I need to do some warm up which already started err.. last night? LOL! Ini semua salah K-Pop fans di luar sanaaaa OK. (while staring at you guys.. Yes, you Chuck ;p and your bestie, Alia). Sekarang tengah gigih hafal steps dalam video clip Again and Again by 2PM. Semua ni gara-gara Chuck, she posted a video of 2PM's fans doing a flash mob of Again and Again. Well, I'm not good at dancing but still.. boleh la praktik as aktiviti bersenam di malam hari, muahaha! Teringat time study kat UM dulu (OK, I feel old now.. sesi flashback). Menari used to be our daily routine for almost every night as we (me and my ex-roomates) were actively involved in Festival Seni during my 1st and 2nd year. Selalunya 1st semester semua orang akan kurus sebab tetiap malam kena turun hall menari and bila masuk 2nd semester, semua orang kembali membina lemak sebab dah takde aktiviti malam lagi other than keluar makan kat mapley 14th PJ, LOL! Rindu weh all those moment.. sigh. Eh tetiba KLMJ pulak.. haha (kenangan lalu mengusik jiwa..LOL). Lari dari topik sebenar, apakah! Oh anyway, if you're interested to watch the dance clips that I've said earlier, please click the links below. Mana la tau boleh buat as your daily exercise, LOL.. enjoy! :D
Original 2PM Again and Again
#1 - click here
2PM's fans, I'm trying to follow this steps
#2 - click here
2PM's female fan, I don't think that I'll be able to dance like her
#3 - click here
Another female fan, she dances like a pro.. hieww
#4 - click here
And this is the flash mob by the Korean fans
#5 - click here
I am truly surprised to note that the People of INFOVALLEY are so excited about sports. I owe all of you an apology because I have always been of view that we have a “bunch of people who are so dull, dry (wet for biosciences people!) and boring”. I didn’t realize that there is an “animal” in you that want to tear the battle field to pieces!
Since, I have now realized this, may I propose that we quickly set up a simple Sport Club of INFOVALLEY. INFOVALLEY will immediately contribute RMXXXX to start the activities (I will get Sheela and Rajesh to approve this, hope I didn’t jump the gun!). My personal contribution will be RMXXXX to the fund (and fun). I propose we elect Say Hean as Mr. President of the Club and Aman as the Deputy President. Ms. Suria shall be the Secretary General for the Secretariat. I call for your support and vote.
Dull, dry and boring???? Ha ha ha.. very funny! He's such a teaser, isn't he? But honestly, I love to have him around in the office, hilang sekejap tension kerja kalau dengar dia buat lawak, seriously. And he's very good at motivates people as well, he can simply twist our way of looking at something and brings us into a different perspective. Sangat berkarisma, that's what I like about him.
Ok ok, saya bukan memuji kerana mahu dinaikkan gaji ataupun because of I've been appointed as the Secretary General for the Sport Club (gila la, sounds like Kofi Annan punya jawatan for United Nations dulu, haha). Pujian saya ikhlas, tapi.. kalau dapat 3 months bonus this year pun seronok jugak kan? *cough*
Wah seronoknya ada monthly activity kat office (other than the Exchange session, which being held twice a month *sigh*). Oh I can't wait! Till then, I need to do some warm up which already started err.. last night? LOL! Ini semua salah K-Pop fans di luar sanaaaa OK. (while staring at you guys.. Yes, you Chuck ;p and your bestie, Alia). Sekarang tengah gigih hafal steps dalam video clip Again and Again by 2PM. Semua ni gara-gara Chuck, she posted a video of 2PM's fans doing a flash mob of Again and Again. Well, I'm not good at dancing but still.. boleh la praktik as aktiviti bersenam di malam hari, muahaha! Teringat time study kat UM dulu (OK, I feel old now.. sesi flashback). Menari used to be our daily routine for almost every night as we (me and my ex-roomates) were actively involved in Festival Seni during my 1st and 2nd year. Selalunya 1st semester semua orang akan kurus sebab tetiap malam kena turun hall menari and bila masuk 2nd semester, semua orang kembali membina lemak sebab dah takde aktiviti malam lagi other than keluar makan kat mapley 14th PJ, LOL! Rindu weh all those moment.. sigh. Eh tetiba KLMJ pulak.. haha (kenangan lalu mengusik jiwa..LOL). Lari dari topik sebenar, apakah! Oh anyway, if you're interested to watch the dance clips that I've said earlier, please click the links below. Mana la tau boleh buat as your daily exercise, LOL.. enjoy! :D
Original 2PM Again and Again
#1 - click here
2PM's fans, I'm trying to follow this steps
#2 - click here
2PM's female fan, I don't think that I'll be able to dance like her
#3 - click here
Another female fan, she dances like a pro.. hieww
#4 - click here
And this is the flash mob by the Korean fans
#5 - click here
Labels: Bubbles In The Air, Chill Out, Music, Workplace
Saya tidak bersalah.
Wah banyak nyer link. Will check this later. Wahh source untuk aku practice dah mencukupi lah kirenyer ni. Tapi tak tahu lah biler boleh buat.
Since sekarang aku ader symptom mimpi hari2, kot boleh practice dalam tido ke.
Aku raser kalau ko start tengok Korean stuff kat College dulu, aku raser 5th College nyer Boria team mesti menang nyer!
HAHAHAHHA serioussss.. LOL!
do you still remember the steps taken from the chorus part of Opps I Did It Again's clip? Gila la kan, Britney plak tu, hiewww.. haha! Time tu Abg Apai yg jadi choreographer, dia memang suka bagi kitorang steps yg tergeliat tau tak but still, it was fun.. ekekeke.
and because of him, aku tau mcmana nak menari Caca.. still ingat some of the steps till now, LOL
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